5 Lies Wives Tell Themselves About Their Husband’s Porn Addiction | IntegrityRestored.com


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5 Lies Wives Tell Themselves About Their Husband’s Porn Addiction


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Comments (88)

Dee - December 15, 2015 4:42 am

Thank you because this help me so much!

Marsha - May 14, 2017 11:25 pm

Nothing in this article addresses the fact there can be no healing without true repentance. Book after book and article after article I have read fail to address the issue of denial.

    Maria Taheny, PhD - July 17, 2017 6:43 am

    That is probably because denial and minimizing are barriers to healing. Husbands get angry because they have cognitive dissonance (when their actions conflict with their self-image and moral values.) There are three ways people deal with cognitive dissonance: Deny the behavior, minimize the behavior or admit the behavior is in contradiction with their moral code. Once a person admits it, THEN they are capable of changing the behavior (which is why it is so important for wives to “speak their truth.” Sometimes men go through the first two things repeatedly before they finally admit it to themselves.)

    I would suggest giving real, tangible consequences (such as separation) sometimes encourages admission. One good book to read is “Elements of Reparation: Truth, Faith, and Transformation in the Works of Heidegger, Bion, and Beyond” by Brent Potter, PhD. He examines this idea of healing from a recovering addict’s perspective. (He is also a personal friend and deeply faith-filled clinician. I have spoken to him on a personal level regarding my own husbad’s porn addiction.) You can find his book here:

    But you are right. There is little out there that deals with denial from the addicted spouse because that usually leads to divorce. Internet porn is so insidious and pervasive, it can destroy a marriage before the spouses ever know what hit them…literally.

    Sally - July 18, 2017 11:39 am

    I found this article really helpful for myself, if only my husband would read it! As his porn addiction caused problems in previous relationships (I didn’t find this out till after our marriage), I do not understand why he is still in denial about how destructive his addiction is, it has totally ruined our marriage.

    Anne - February 6, 2021 4:39 am

    Its so ridiculous Denial is Massive
    Soul Destroying
    Truth can be Lies
    I See the Porn with my Own Eyes
    Yest He tells Me I Dont

    TeenZ t - August 14, 2022 6:24 am

    It’s the same as an alcoholic & drug addict. They themselves need to recognize there is a problem. I have an ex who is addicted to porn. He ignored my pleas to get help. He denied any problems. I left.

Mr B - July 2, 2017 3:44 pm

You make blanket statements expression opinion, nothing scientific or medical based here… it just your version of how you’d like the world to be…very judgemental im afraid.

    Epigenetics - January 2, 2024 2:14 am

    There are multitudes of studies, based on neuroscience, neuroplasticity and dopamine especially, that have shown how porn can effect the brain like fentanyl. Instead of it being injected and causing the neurotransmitter change…it is through the viewing and acting out. It does rewire the brain and subsequently “trains” the user to need it more and more, for a similar effect.
    There are many of us, who have worked in medicine, who are the spike in relational, erectile, emotional, social, physiological, and more…effects of porn use. We’ve even had suicide attempts in the more extreme cases (one man because his wife was leaving him due to the porn use).
    Your comment is likely a subconscious strategy, to protect a behavior that you don’t want to give up…and can’t see it’s harm (because to see it would be the undoing of it). It’s like you’re protecting your own ignorance.
    Some therapy can uncover the deeper need being met through porn. It’s rarely as sexual related as people believe. It’s just another mode of avoidance, numbing, escape, as gambling, drugs, video games etc.

Sands - July 31, 2017 8:16 pm

My husband and I are trying to reconcile , I’ve confronted him his pornography. He said he deleted everything and only had videos and images of me. Well that good intuition that need to hard drive in his backpack that he travels with. In it I found hundreds of videos and pictures! And anger I brought the heart rate and later confronted him But did not tell him about breaking the hard drive he found that out on it so the next day when he went into supposedly delete everything on it. I told him he lied when he said there was only items of me. He immediately said it’s not my fault it is his own problem. But him doing that is better than being with another woman! He also said that I’d probably try to get revenge and be with another man, as I have done in the past. I am trying to recover myself from mental disorders. My focuses on myself and on my marriage. The more I think about it he was doing as he always does with the conversation to make it my fault, he was upset that I broke his heart rate but I said how long till you download more? He did not know the answer to that. He said if I wanted him to go to therapy or an SAA group he would. I explained that he cannot do it for me alone, he has to admit he has an addiction . He remains upset with me and distant, and we go to therapy I will see what comes of it. I will no longer make excuse or compromise or accept it. I’d hate for this to end what’s left of our relationship, but it is what it’s. Not my problem, but I’m willing to do my part.

    Karen - February 2, 2020 2:27 pm

    Like every one of you, I am traumatized from the effects of my husband’s porn addiction. He has preferred porn and masturbation the entire 36 years of marriage. I left him after the most recent “d-day”. I came back 5 months later, when he said he was working on it. I have been back 14 months and I don’t know if he is still sober, he says he is. My heart is broken because he literally cannot look at me in the genital area or touch me there. I know he doesn’t have a general disgust for vaginas because he has secretly masturbated probably tens of thousands of times to the vaginas he has seen in porn. I am not a prude in any sense. I love sex and wish I had received some touch along the way, but I took the crumbs when they came. He got HIS foreplay from me, and then we had sex without him touching or looking at me. A couple of days ago I decided I cannot take the hurt or rejection any more. It is traumatizing when he comes into the bathroom, I am showering and he will not look at my body. He never touches me unless I complain. I know he has a psychological problem with sex. People tell me I am attractive.I don’t think it’s me. I have decided I will give up on sex with him. He doesn’t like it anyway. And I won’t have to deal with the hurt of not being touched or looked at. I’m grieving for The loss of hope that I will ever have the sex life I would have liked. I plan to stay married and endure a sexless marriage. We do love eachother and have kids and grandkids. Whoever reads this, know that I understand your pain, sadness, and disappointment. I have been to the point of wanting to commit suicide in the past because of the hurt. I am hoping that by protecting myself from his disinterest in my body, I can survive and learn to be happy.

      Administrator - February 3, 2020 10:04 am

      Dear Karen,
      I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I applaud your courage in speaking out and recognizing what is broken and what you need. Have you checked out our bloomforcatholicwomen.com site yet? You may find some helpful information there, as well as a community of women in the forum which may be a good and safe place for you to discuss your struggles with others who are dealing with the same.
      Additionally, if you would like, I am available to talk to you as well.
      My contact info is below, its usually best to send a text or email to set up a time. Please feel free to reach out…
      God bless your journey,

      Jim O’Day
      Executive Director
      Integrity Restored
      770-653-4053 cell

    Felicia Marsh - August 9, 2024 1:53 pm


    Your story mirrors my marriage right now. I will pray for you and ask the Lord to give you comfort and healing. I found out recently that my husband slipped and has increased his secrecy with porn and visitation at strip clubs. We have been married for 28 years and spend a lot of time and do activities together. I thought he gave it up and was addressing it in therapy, but I am truly devastated, numb, embarrassed and feeling shameful about my body. I lost a lot of weight and I have tried to be patient and supportive of my husband.

    He said it’s not my fault and he feels bad and responsible for my current pain about his behaviors. I am trying to pray through this situation and remain emotionally sane. You did nothing wrong and you are beautiful the way God created you. Please know that. I am so sorry you and so many of us are dealing with this.

Michelle Hall - August 5, 2017 7:35 pm

My husband had an addiction to porn during his previous marriage and he did confess it to me before we got married. I respected him for telling me and being honest. He told me that he was confident that he can remain in recovery! I understood and asked him to tell me if he ever feels himself slipping and that we would work though it together.
We have four children been married for eight years now and two nights ago I caught him in the act! My world has been shattered!
Not only did he hide it from me, I found out in the worst possible way and at the worst possible time in our lives. What I mean by the worst time in our lives is this;
At the end of January this year I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cance, I had to have a bilateral mastectomy and had to go though month of chemo. He has told me that it started two months before I was diagnosed.
I truly want to believe him, forgive him and help him through it like I promised I would before we got married. However other than feeling betrayed and devasted – I looked at my bald head (now covered in peach fuzz) and then looked at my chest, where I had natural full breasts I now have tissue expanders with two big scars where my nipples used to be, under my left arm a long scar where they removed some of my lymph nodes, and lastly another scar on my collar bone where I had my chemo port.
When I saw all of this And thought of what he was looking at I felt so ugly and so unattractive and unwanted. When I was going through hell my husband was engaging in his porn addiction. The hurt and pain is still so fresh. I know that I still love him and still want our marriage to work and that I need to forgive him and I will try my best, but this hurt so so much. He is a good man and I understand that this is an addiction and he hates himself for the pain he has caused. This couldn’t have come at a worse time for me, I am fighting to stay positive and strong as next month I will be having my reconstructive surgery which has a long and painful recovery and I need all the strength I have left to get through this, but today I feel so broken, so lost, so ugly. I have been reading that our husbands porn addiction isn’t our fault and nothing to do with us, however it is hard to believe that when I see what I see in the mirror. This article did help, I just have to believe it. We have four children and a long road of cancer treatment and recovery and I just don’t know how or where to start recovering and moving forward from this.

    suzie dunson - September 2, 2017 5:15 pm

    My heart goes out to you. What i do know is we have a father who knows out true beauty. He created us perfectly. Ive come to realize that God is truly the only one who loves me just as i am….he is the one who can give us what we need. Turn to him. Pray with thanksgiving. God bless you…your perfect as you are…

    Sarah - April 15, 2018 4:20 pm

    I felt such empathy for you Michelle as I read your comment–as if you were sitting beside me. Your thoughts when you look in the mirror, are exactly how I feel. I know I’m not supposed to relate the two–my husband’s addiction to essentially fantasizing about other women is not related to my looks/his attractiveness to me. I can tell myself that 1 million times, but logically, the two do have a relationship. It’s lying to myself by denying the logically, even if slight, correlation between my husband’s attraction to me and his porn use.

    Your circumstances–*sigh* what the frick is wrong with people! Lately, I’ve. been so disappointed with how many people, even Christians who claim to walk with God, wreck daily havoc on others due to their insatiable appetite for instant gratification–at all costs to others. Pure thick selfishness.

    My “Mr. Nice guy” husband would do the same. You sound very patient and Willing to understand his problem. In my humble opinion, your husband is not a nice guy and neither is mine. Well, your husband sounds a lot nicer than mine, but you’re married to a man who lacked self-discipline to abstain from indulging in, lets be honest, other women when you were in the midst of so much emotional and physical misery. Im sure you had/have great aatLiterally everyone except my mom & sister think I’m losing my mind. My husband comes across as gentle, loving, super dad, a good listener, and motivated to change–and it’s all a show. It’s taken me 15 months to (finally) conclude my husband’s a covert narcissist. The past 15 months of 1.) teaching myself how to find deleted data recovery and 2.) Sifting through the online data….#2 was and sadly still is, destroying me.

    My husband lies like no one I’ve met. He reminds me of Donald Trump (trust me, just trust me folks, you can trust me when all evidence pointed that Trump was a liar, cheater, womanizer, etc) where he just keeps repeating the same statement in hopes I’ll eventually have to believe it. The psychology behind this manipulation technique is astounding and quite honestly, impressive, yet I’m definitely feeling and showing signs of emotional abuse due to weekly gaslighting. I get 1-2 weeks of a breaks about every 6 weeks. During that time, I’m swept off my feet by this awesome man God has made and brought to me. Then, he starts acting less attracted to me, or he doesn’t get erect in a situation where he’d always be “ready” 🙂 with me, or I discover yet another video he watched last week. I confront, he denies, I feel ultra taken advantage of and manipulated–tricked into thinking I was enough during those 2 weeks. The cycle resumes. It was only on lause. 🙁

    My husband’s in a sex addicts class now that he’s lying to. He has to tell his sex addicts group if he masturbates (that feels wrong/unhealthy to me btw). I don’t have direct proof, but the normal behavior anomolies.

    I have learned my husband’s body very well over the past year. I can literally see when he’s not masturbated and/or viewed porn., as in see his body’s reaction to me if that makes sense. I’ve told him his body cannot lie.

    Last night after no sex for 7 days, and his claim of no masturbation, we had sex (finally). After 10 min. of steamy sex, I knew he was again lying. 🙁 MY HUSBAND and frankly most men who hadn’t orgasmed in 7 days, would need ice cold water continuously dumped on their bare skin during good/great (?) sex to hold an orgasm for this long. I know 10 min. doesn’t sound long, but we’re talking about 7 days here ladies plus I wore lingerie, etc. He lasted 20 or so more min. (a total of 30-45 start to finish).

    I no longer could hold out. I blurt out in a I’m-still-going-to-pleasure-me/you-but-you-will-know-now kind of seductive voice “you’re such a liar and I’m tired of it.” This was obviously awkward since we’re stilk actively having sex. \°o°/. We continue for 5 min., I reach orgasm, 5 more min., and gyess what? The man who hasnt orgasmed in a record-brraking 7 days is still going strong! Its a miracle folks! A miracle I tell ya!!! Y.e.a.h. R.i.g.h.t. I ask if he cant orgasm. He says that he can but he was holding out for me (Trump alert). He closes his eyes …. 🙁 as if focusing real hard (fantasizing about someone other than me) and orgasms within 3 min.

    I couldn’t hide my emotions. I couldn’t keep up the “I’m sexy and strong” until the time was more appropriate to resume fighting. I burst into tears and said, “You’ll never be open with me. You’ll never trust that you can be open and honest with me about what you feel is your shameful behavior. We will never have the genuine closeness we both yearn for b/c you’ve chose to never reveal your true self to anyone. I can accept the masturbation and even regulated porn, but I cannot also bare the weight of your lies & gaslighting! I’m breaking. The load is too heavy.” Like Trump, my husband just repeated the same line with sprinkles of gaslighting (it wasn’t that he clearly had a delayed and almost forced orgasm–He was holding out for me, thus I’m a terrible ungrateful person ) . He said, “I’ve destroyed any trust you’ll have in me because I’ve lied to you so much. Even when I’m not lying such as now, you can’t believe me and it’s my fault.” ******Do you see the very subtle gaslighting in there?****** His statement appears that he’s owning it, yet by injecting me in the sentence, he’s actually blaming ME! HIS statement says, “Another woman would believe me, but you are damaged goods and it’s your [my] fault b/c I choose to distrust him.”

    This us crazy right?! Scene: 2 minutes post-sex. I’m sitting on top of my husband, he’s still um…our bodies are in same sexual engagement (so embarrassing writing this). I’ve made myself ultra vulnerable (again) going against my own judgement, allowing myself to be intimate void trust that he cherishes & doesn’t supplement our intimacy——and he’s gaslighting me. He’s not empathetic. He asks no questions to better understand how I feel. He shuns this final opportunity in a non-hostile interaction, to come clean. He simply talks about himself and how sad he is that I’ve chose to not trust his lies.

    I don’t want to admit this and perhaps it’s a fleeting feeling, but I feel like in that moment, while on top of him and crying, I fell out of love with my husband. For some reason, as I write this, I feel a sense of relief. If I don’t love him, he can no longer hurt me at an abusive level.

    Is it God determining that I’ve had enough? That I cannot take it anymore, so he’s shielding my heart? I’ve begged God to give me relief from my emotional codependentancy and intertwined soul connection with this man who refuses to stop abusing my emotions. I knew God was saying, “trust me. It’s not time yet and that God gifted me with overwhelming hope for struggling people. God promised he would never leave me…..And He didnt. At least for today, my entire being does not ache with shame, rejection, and ugliness. At least for today, God grants me relief .

    Feel free to email me if you want to chat: mexicansage@hotmail.com

    Lisa - May 12, 2018 1:06 am

    I’m so sorry for your pain. I know we are at different points in our lives but after having my 5 children and losing all the weight and having breast augmentation surgery I look the best I have looked in my entire life, my husband still can’t quit porn, it’s destroying us. I can’t get prettier or skinnier, it breaks my heart knowing I can’t look good enough to stop him. It doesn’t matter how you look, you are his wife and mother of his children, there is no one more beautiful than that!

    Rebecca - January 12, 2019 12:53 pm

    I am speachless for your sake……

    Sage - May 27, 2019 7:04 pm

    I am so sad this has happenned to you at this time. I have read many accounts of the moment of discovery, and thus breaks my heart. I wish healing to you. I could have been considered quite attractive and willing at one time, but know what? It was irrelevant. My spouse was addicted. Let me add to the many voices telling you, its not you, and you deserve love, respect, and healing. I don’t pray, but for you I will.

Kari - August 28, 2017 4:24 pm

Thank you for this. I have been dealing with this for a long time and now have serious depression from it. I have many health problems and don’t look like I used to. I have gained a lot of weight from medications and don’t feel sexy anymore. I have tried to keep the bedroom life going even though I hurt all the time. He has become less and less interested in me over the years and I can’t help but feel it is because of me. He can only get half hard when we try to be together. I even stopped taking a couple of my medications so I could loose weight. I find myself looking through the porn he looks at to see what I can do to get him interested in me again. When we do have sex I find I feel grateful he is at least touching me. I throw myself at him daily while pleading inside for him to please want me at least just a little. He just brushes me off and acts like I am being silly. The other night I was making advances towards him and he shut me down. Told me he couldn’t sleep so he was going downstairs so he wouldn’t keep me awake. I came down a little later and couldn’t find him. I went in the garage and there he was with pants down and video going. He can only get semi hard with me but he was fully erect for the girl in the video. It is really difficult to convince myself it is not me. I just feel like we have turned into just good friends. I think I am going to stop trying to throw myself at him and start taking all my meds again. I think I might go see a therapist, too.

Granna - September 2, 2017 5:08 pm

My husband walked out…again
Thats how he manages his addition. I knew he was going into crisis. I couldn’t help him. I did try. Mine admits he has a porn addiction in his past. Ruined two marriages. Only now he blames me for not loving him. Which isnt true. I do admit i resent his lack of wanting to change. I resent how much he tares down our home. Over and over. Only to return once its a real mess. Claiming he loves me. My porn addict has pulled the wind out of my life. Im so tired. Its chaos. Its impossible to live with him. He just doesnt seem to mind losing everything over and over. I cant make ends meet alone. So i wait until it is all gone and just survive it…im really tired

charlotte - January 24, 2018 2:40 pm

If I could give any advice to a woman with husband that has an ongoing porn addiction, it would be to RUN. Run as far and as fast as you can. This behaviour never changes, maybe they say it does, but it doesn’t. Maybe they stop for a little while, but they start again. Then you are so invested in the relationship that it feels impossible to leave. So keep your morals, and stay true to yourself. Women are strong and it is possible to be independent, even if you have children. You deserve to live a happy and confident life.

My marriage is ruined. I have no trust or respect for my husband. The lies and deceit have completely destroyed what little relationship we have left. I don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of him, I don’t want him to touch me, when we do have sex all I think about is pornography, it is horrible.. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. It is not healthy and I wish I had run before I was so invested.

    freetobeme - January 10, 2019 11:29 am

    Thank you for sharing. I am in that situation now. I saw a therapist for the first time yesterday. And afterward I told him we need to separate.

    Misty - January 28, 2023 3:20 am

    I’m dealing with this now. I’ve been with my husband for 17 years (13 of which we’ve been married). We are both in our late forties. Two years ago, my intuition finally got the best of me, and I looked into his computer history, hoping I wouldn’t find anything. Instead, I discovered 11 years of my “loyal and devoted” husband’s online world, infused with porn and banter with other men about women’s bodies. I was devastated, heartbroken, and lost. He promised to change. We went to counselling together, then a year later, I caught him spending hours scouring women’s images and videos on social media sites and TikTok. When I confronted him, he initially lied and denied it until I presented him with hard evidence of his behaviour. To this day, he tries to convince me that switching from daily porn consumption to partially clothed women in provocative TikTok videos is “progress.” Again, he promised to work on things. The only thing that seems to change, however, is his prowess at hiding his digital life from me. He doesn’t want me to leave, but I can’t see how I’ll ever be able to trust him again. I do my best to stay attractive, but he admits to having lust for other women and that his “online fix and fantasies are a safe outlet for him to feed his lust without physically cheating on me.” Call me picky, but I find it awfully hard to feel grateful to him.

Maggie - February 16, 2018 1:30 am

Not only did I find out that my fiancé of 4 years is addicted to porn, I found out that he is obsessed with very large women. I had no clue that he was even attracted to big women? Here I am beating myself up for recently putting on a few pounds because I’m a size 12 and worrying that he would not find me attractive anymore and little did I know he has this sick addiction to porn and very large women all this while. When I confronted him he admitted it and quickly apologized to me. He admitted that this caused trouble in his first marriage but it was swept under the rug. My reaction to his addiction was very strong and confrontational. I refuse to be with a man whom I was going to marry that prefers to fantasize and masturbate to an online virutal whore. I don’t deserve this selfish act and refuse to stay with a man who clearly makes a conscious choice to continute this sick obsession. Who in their right mind can be intimate with a man who is absent during intimacy because he is busy lusting, fantasizing over a porn site. This behavior is very damaging and hurtful to women. And until men are made accountable for their actions and physically seek ongoing help, there will be no forgiveness. Even if they choose to take these steps, I no longer feel I can submit to a sneaky, cheating full of words with no actions man again. Perhaps he is truly sorry and claims he made an appointment with a Therapist. How can I trust him again? Do I spend the rest of my years wondering if he’s going behind my back? Is this fair to me? It’s bad enough that women blame themselves for their man’s addiction which is WRONG! We pick ourselves apart and are left to feel we didn’t do it for them? When it’s clearly their issue, not ours. Yes, I may sound bitter but I can’t help but wonder what would my fiance do if he discovered that I’m masturbating to well hung men and prefer this behavior over him? I highly doubt if he could fathom that thought. I do not feel that this addiction can be cured. If so, why wait to be caught to seek out help? In my opinion, most men do not even feel that their addiction is a problem. I am not blaming porn addiction totally on men either, I realize that women do this too and ruin relationships and lives. All I can say this is not fair nor right and I personally won’t tolerate it no matter how much I love him.

    Barbara - February 28, 2020 4:47 am

    Unfortunately, the most recent science shows he will not stop. If he has ANY narcissistic tendencies he will never truly recover. Run, leave, get a life for yourself and do not look back. It was all a facade – the lobby bombing is a gaslighting tactic and the lying and manipulation is ABUSE.
    I am leaving as soon as finances are sorted out. I am not angry, I have no betterment, I know I am free as HE broke our vows on our wedding day. I care about him
    as a person but that does not mean I have to live in abusive situation.
    We have an in house separation until our finances allow for me to move out. I am feeling strong, independent and looking forward to living my own life.

      Administrator - March 6, 2020 4:38 pm

      Dear Kathleen,

      Thank you for your comment. I realize you are suffering deeply with betrayal trauma. I know it’s difficult to talk about. To help you recover, I recommend finding a therapist who specializes in treating trauma. There are treatment methods, such as EMDR that can heal trauma without having to tell your story repeatedly. When interviewing therapists, make sure they are certified to treat trauma. It often doesn’t take many counseling sessions to heal trauma. We will be praying for you. God bless.
      Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., L.P.C., SATP, CSAT
      Comprehensive Counseling Services
      and The Institute for Marital Healing
      101 W. Elm Street, Suite 320
      Conshohocken, PA 19428

Marie - March 16, 2018 11:06 pm

I am crying as I read the comments. My heart is broken as we only said our marriage vows a year ago. I found out my husband was addicted to porn during the year, but I thought he was in recovery. I just found out he is still actively involved and when I talked with him about it today he admitted it; also telling me “you are not my type”. I felt totally betrayed and deceived. He acted very attracted to me when we were dating. I enjoy being intimate and have tried to please him always. He said his involvement was partly my fault because I Hurt his feelings at times. He does not seem to take full responsibility for his addiction.
I feel so devastated.

Kim - July 2, 2018 8:45 pm

Maybe I was naive to think my husband was healed of Porn addiction over 20 years ago and just found out last week that he’s still addicted. I feel like such a fool. I’ve been keeping our marriage together until this new years when I knew something was terribly wrong and thought that it was me. I started marriage therapy by myself only to discover I was severely depressed and spent time dealing with the issues around depression.

Now I find out about Porn and he makes me feel that I don’t have a right to feel hurt because he says he doesn’t feel safe to share anything with me. After 29 years I’m so hurt and confused and mad. What is so great about porn that you’d let your marriage fail and not have any feelings towards your wife of 29 years. Then have the nerve to say porn has nothing to do with sex only happening 3 times in the last 12 months. Plus he’s emotionally disconnected and blames it on me.

How does one get though this?

Clara - August 27, 2018 8:21 am

This ѕite ⅾefinitely has all of the information аnd facts І needed concerning this subject and dіdn’t know
who to ask.

L - October 12, 2018 5:36 am

If a man even looks at another woman, he has already committed adultery in his heart..this is not an “addiction” problem, it’s called unfaithfulness. It is a heart problem, a “sin” problem. It’s sin against his own body and that of his wife, the one he is suppose to love, adore, cherish, provide for and protect. Husband’s who are unfaithful, cannot love, cherish or respect their wives.

Johanne - October 14, 2018 2:54 pm

Reading all of you guys is helping me process a little. We have been married 29+ years and have 4 adult children mid-late 20s. I discovered lesbian pornography on my husband’s computer last year. The accident was so insidious. I returned to university with our 2 last children to get my nursing degree for the 2nd time in 2 countries. It was not easy at all. My husband’s career was taken away for 5 years because he was working for crooks. We had to sell our home to survive. I had no say in any of it. Our kids all left. I moved us into a 2-bedroom condo that we are renting and finished this nursing degree in 5 years. This discovery took place during my finals – as I was finishing my degree. I copied links for 18 pages. Then I decided to store this and show it to two trusted friends. They were shocked and encouraged me to be strong. Now here we are in late fall and I am about to get my first job. He wants to qualify for a home and I want the lies to end. I am back into the PTSD cycle and crying. He acts like it is nothing. He goes to church and brings an elderly woman with him because her daughter pays him to take her out. I can’t go to church with him. I just want to cry when I see him at all. He has been sleeping in his office now for over 3 years. Who knows what else happens. I am so heartbroken. Thank you all for sharing.

Cindy Helmick - November 7, 2018 5:24 am

I’ve been married for 39 years. Recently I was helping my husband sell item’s on Facebook market place. While using his phone something drew me to check his email. There was a porn picture. Sent by his own cell.phone. i walk outside and say we need to talk. Showed him the picture. He said oh I don’t know how that got there. I said I do it came from your iPhone. He got a scared look and I knew. He admitted said he was sorry blah blah blah crap. Tried to convince me he would stop. This is raw it just happened 3 day’s ago.

He went to.work like usual. My life is far for usual. Nothing feels real.or true. He has been emotionally distant and more argumentative than ever.

My Anniversary he usually shows he loves me by writing something sweet on Facebook. This year he copied pasted what he wrote last year.

We are Christians or I thought he was. He says he feels awful but I truly think its because he’s been caught.

Where do I go now? I don’t have a job.I am sole caregiver for my aging father who has Lewy body dementia.

Today I am.going to.lunch with my pastor’s wife. She is a dear friend but i know she will tell me to.forgive . And I will but if he has done this for 39 years now and I’ve been fooled. How do.I ever trust again. I do not want him to look at me naked. I do not want sex with him. I don’t want to.look at pictures of us.

We have 3 adults kids and 6 grandchildren. I feel I can’t do this lie anymore. Feels like this marriage has been nothing but a illusion. Fake.

I honestly wish I was dead. Between my father and now my husband I can’t carrying them both. No.one helps with dad. Even though there are 2 other kids. My heart has been split in a million pieces.

No.one will understand if I can’t stay with him. He has everyone fooled.He posts stuff about God like he is walking with him.

I think I’m going to actually throw up.Somehow I need out of his hell.

Has anyone’s husband actually recovered? Or do they just go back to it. See I’ve wasted 39 year’s. I’m 58 and really don’t think I can bare his burden. He has shamed me. Not just himself. When I leave him what do I say to my adult kid’s? Your dad and I have lived a lie. He is a unemotionally connected husband. I thought maybe that was his personality. Guess that’s part of my denial.

God helps us all. Happy yet sad we aren’t alone.

    Kim O'Day - February 21, 2019 4:36 pm

    Dear Cindy,
    Please allow me to apologize for the delay in responding to you and also to say how sorry I am that you are going through this. There is so much you must be feeling and dealing with right now, that I can’t imagine how you are doing it. I’m sure at times it feels hopeless, but let me assure you it’s not.
    I want to dive in a little to some of your points:
    Is your husband truly remorseful or just sorry he got caught? Honestly, probably both! He likely does feel “ awful” and ashamed and disappointed in himself, he likely feels sorry that he upset you, but he likely also feels that it is no big deal, its not a problem, you are making more of it than you should. Terrible conflicting emotions happening here. Additionally, though most people don’t recognize it as such, porn usage and addiction generally has little to do with sex and is actually used by most people to “ self-medicate” wounds or trauma in their life, so on a certain level your husband may feel he deserves this to make him “ feel better” which it never does.
    I completely understand that you do not want your husband to look at you naked or have sex with him, but I promise true intimacy in all it’s forms is possible again and you can rebuild the trust that was broken. It will just take time and some hard work from both of you.
    Between caring for your father and now learning this secret about your husband, the pressure must be incredible on you right now. However, please don’t say you wish you were dead. You have so much to offer and healing is possible.
    Finally, recovery is possible, true intimacy is possible, great sex is possible and forgiveness is possible…have hope! We have many stories from couples just like you who have recovered from this and are now flourishing in their marriages, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
    Please contact me directly for more info jimo@integrityrestored.com.
    May God bless your journey,
    Jim O’Day
    Executive Director
    Integrity Restored

    Brenda - December 28, 2022 10:36 am

    I have also been married 39 years and am 58. We have 2 children and 5 Grandchildren. This will affect us all when I leave for good. I have lived with this crap my whole live. I leave he promises to stop. But he never does. I keep getting hurt over and over. It’s hard to leave as we give up everything. I’m supposed to be leaving this cold weather and going in a motorhome to Florida to a Beautiful Resort. I live in a beautiful neighbourhood and Love my home. I Lose it all if I leave BUT I can’t do this anymore. I tried everything, breast implants, fillers, Botox, by most peoples standards I’m a decent looking wife. I don’t want him to touch me. I really have to leave to preserve my own sanity and dignity. I don’t know what my new life looks like and that is scary but I know what my life looks like with my husband. The Lifestyle does NOT make up for the hurt and rage this creates in me. People will think I’m crazy to leave him because there are so many good things about him, and I am losing a great lifestyle. My rage was the worst this time. I smashed his computer. I threw his iPad and mistakenly smashed the window pain in our front door. Of Course he gave me trouble for smashing the door. Grabbed a hold of my arms hard and pushed me so I fell on the couch. Imagine the trouble I would be in if I was the one that kept destroying our life. This is a little embarrassing that I reacted this way but just confirms I can’t live like this anymore. He left for work, while I once again try to deal with my emotions. I should have left years ago but Love makes us do crazy things. I AM Done this time. I Truly Believe each and everyone of us has a decision when married to a Porn addict. Accept that this behaviour will continue whether you like it or not. There is Nothing you can do to stop it. You could be Beautiful with a perfect figure, that doesn’t matter. If you want to relive this hell for the rest of your life…stay. It’s a huge cost to your physical and mental health though. The other option is leave. Learn to Love and Respect yourself. I’m thankful I found this forum. I Pray for each and every one of you and for Myself. This is the hardest decision I have ever made. It’s scary and unfair to lose everything from another persons actions.

Tara Washington - November 26, 2018 4:12 am

This has been so helpful to me. Thanks a lot!!

Justine - December 2, 2018 8:28 am

My partner has finally gone into Sex Rehab for his porn addiction and sexting past with other females, while in our relationship. I had a boundary that he needs to find a rehab that does not mingle the 2 genders, in any of the treatment or off-time / social activities.
He only got admitted yesterday. Today I was running with my dogs on the beach, with my son as well, and suddenly my son slowed down, and in front of us was my partner. Their group had come out for a walk on the beach. I see girls walking with them. He had assured me, and so did the Rehab assure me, that girls and guys do not mix. But here they were. I said please tell me you are upholding the boundary and not engaging with them. He plainly said he has been engaging with them. And that today after the run, they have some chill time, and then a barbeque, and they all get to socialise and tomorrow he starts the actual work. I was so confused, and hurt and my anxiety peaked. I went to the rehab which is less than 1 mile away from my home, and on route to my stables where I was going to ride my horse, and I expressed my concern and problem with genders mixing in a Sex Addiction rehab. And they do not allow him to talk to me. They asked him if he would come and see me, to which he replied, no he doesn’t have any interest in seeing me.
I subsequently felt humiliated as I was just calmly asking for him to come and express what was going on. As he promised if the females and males would be mingled, then he would find a solution to his addiction that would not spark more anxiety and triggers in me. As there are more options and more rehabs that operate differently around our area. I stated, please let him know then that due to him breaking boundaries at a time that is so crucial, I am ending this relationship as I cannot be sitting here for the duration of his rehab stay and sit in deep anxiety and betrayal trauma triggering and he gets given the opportunity to see me and discuss it, and he plainly chooses not to see me.

Is it normal for rehabs to allow males and females to socialise and take beach walks together and have barbecues together? I feel he is just having a big social event over there. I am so hurt that he would not come and sit and discuss anything with me as well. And then what? Does he somehow expect me to come and do family sessions next week after breaking boundaries, and then rejecting me like that when they gave him the option to come and sit and have a chat with me. No ways. I am so tired of only his needs and his wants being the only priority. His addiction, his sexual desires, always just what works for him. I told him I’m not comfortable with this rehab, but he went coz they have a gym and tennis court, and he kept saying it feels like he’s going on holiday, and he’s actually quite excited. Not once has he said he’s excited to get help for his addiction and to make sure he never hurts me again… just worried that they have a TV so he can watch the Soccer. And worried that they will have good food, and was so happy to hear they have an award winning chef cooking the meals. And now he’s chilling with these girls, having a barbecue and going for beach walks and and and… i mean this just sounds like a breeding ground for sex addicts to get numbers from each other and connect with each other. I’m SO confused . I thought him going to treatment was supposed to reduce my fears and help us as a couple. It has actually on day 2 already made things feel so much worse.

Any one got experience with their partners going to rehab? Is this normal behaviour on the rehabs part? on the addicts part? and on your part as the partner? I’m really feeling conflicted and confused. and more anxious than ever before.

Judy - December 7, 2018 8:49 pm

I can feel all of your pain, yes mine too, the pretend loving husband that’s pulling that porno card and blaming everyone but him. He takes no responsibility for his actions has already been fired by his counselor . And still can’t understand why I think what he is doing is wrong.. what is wrong with theses men , I have been so duped!!

Arleene - December 17, 2018 10:14 am

Has anybody ever recovered from porn addiction or do us wives have to live with this forever Its unbelievable how much hurt we go through we all end up blaming ourselves , Trying so hard to forgive and it seems like they just don’t care they just keep on doing it really plays mental games with us.

    Kathy - February 9, 2019 7:27 pm

    Yes, I too would love to hear success stories. I’ve been married 12 years, two children. My husband has used porn our entire marriage. I left him once for 9 months. I stupidly went back to him. It didn’t take long for him to resort to old behaviors. Is there any hope? I hear men on the radio say they are free from porn, but what percentage of men are like that?! I feel like most of them are addicted or they’re gay. And if there are any good men out there, they’re married anyways to women who don’t know how blessed they are. I hate marriage.

      Kim O'Day - February 13, 2019 10:28 am

      Dear Kathy,
      First of all, everyone here at Bloom for Catholic Women and Integrity Restored is so sorry for what you are going through. This is a huge challenge today for many marriages, so know that you are not alone. In response to your comment, let me say the following:
      1. You were not stupid to “go back” to your husband. You are trying to save your marriage, you are to be commended.
      2. Yes, there is hope. This is an affliction that can be healed, But, only when your husband gets to the root of his addiction.
      3. I highly recommend you check out BloomforCatholicWomen.com to understand your journey with betrayal trauma.
      4. Please sign up and download our free e-books
      5. Pray for your husband with a special intention that he recognizes his addiction.
      6. Seek help together or individually.
      As always, please know we are here for you, we are praying for you and that there is hope for you, your husband and your marriage.
      God bless you!

    Lady E - March 27, 2021 11:43 am

    Recovery rates are very low. It’s very depressing. The only hope is if God has mercy and intervenes. It is so painful and people seem to love putting the burden on the wives!

      Administrator - June 10, 2021 9:36 am

      Hi Lady E,
      Thanks for writing in. I’m sorry that this if often how wives feel, like the burden is on them, that is never true. HEr recovery from Betrayal Trauma is her responsibility and her husband’s recovery from porn addiction is his.
      Why do you say recovery rates are low? That is not our experience here at IR, we have seen and heard from thousands who have succesfully beaten this addiction. It’s not easy for sure, and relapses especially early in recovery are common, but this can be healed.
      May God bless your journey,

Karen - January 18, 2019 10:42 am

On another note, I don’t know what I should do. Do I keep working with him on this?
Do I pack up my two small children, move into my moms till I get my shit straight so I can support my girls and myself?
Do I just go on about my life and take and accept the second when we do it and let him have his porn fantasy?
I don’t know what to do but I hate this and it sucks so bad

    Kim O'Day - February 13, 2019 4:11 pm

    Dear Karen,
    I’m so sorry you are going through this. I know it can feel hopeless, but believe me , there is hope and there can be healing. I would recommend you both speak with a professional, either together or individually. If he is unwilling, you should still do it. Please check out two resources we have, the first for you, http://www.bloomforcatholicwomen.com an online recovery tool and community for women suffering from betrayal trauma due to their partner’s continued pornography addiction and our tips for finding a therapist, https://integrityrestored.com/finding-a-good-therapist/.
    Please know we are all praying for you.
    God bless your journey,
    Jim O’Day
    Executive Director

Lily - March 19, 2019 9:07 am

When I told my pastors wife about my husbands porn addiction , and how it hurt me. . My pastors wife told me to basically to do number 3 &4. To have more sex , pick up on his “Cues” for sex , to look better for him.
I was appalled and now im more confused than before.

    Administrator - June 4, 2019 3:41 pm

    Dear Lily,
    As well meaning as your pastor’s wife may be, that is absolutely not correct. First, please check out our sistersite, bloomforcatholicwomen.com which is an educational recovery and community website for women whose husbands have a porn addiction. Could be a great resource for you.
    Second, most of the therapists we work with if not all, agree that a porn addiction, like most other process addictions comes from wounds and trauma in youth or young adult life. The root cause of the addiction is not about sex so obviously regardless of what the pastor’s wife thinks, the solution is not about sex. Your husband needs to get to the root cause through counseling, prayer and spiritual direction and accountability.
    Praying for you all…

pam - April 30, 2019 11:18 am

Two weeks ago I joined this club I never imagined existing. I am running through all sorts of emotions, sadness, hopelessness, anger, forgiveness, hate, disgust, shame, embarrassment, hurt and worse of all wondering if the last 34 years of my life have been a sham. My husbands porn use was found, he did not confess. He admitted to a two year porn addiction and met with our priest to confess. The priest basically you have been forgiven, now go forgive yourself and do something fun this weekend. How easy that he is instantly forgiven and I am left in ruins. No talk about repairing the damage he did to me. I guess because my husband told him “I have a great wife who is supportive and we are working through this”. What a spin. I’m a great wife when I am saying I forgive him. He actually told me he’s never loved me more than when I said to him “I am not here to punish you” after discovering his porn problem. That is so selfish. He loves me the most when I am letting him off the hook for his shameful, secret behavior and hurting me and our family. He should have loved me most on the birth of our four children, anniversaries, trips, painful times I held the family together, illnesses, etc… But no, it’s when I let him off the hook. Twisted. The reality is I don’t think he has loved me, but I really think he isn’t capable of love. His brother is a total narcissist, his mother is super selfish, his father was an alcoholic who left the family early on. These should have been redflags when I was dating him, but he seemed kind and was handsome. He seems so void of emotion or depth. I am trying to get therapy but it is difficult to find a therapist who accepts insurance with the $30 copay. I can’t afford $150 per week that’s for sure. How sad at 56 I am wondering what my whole life has been about and what kind of future can I expect. I really only ever wanted to be loved by my husband and seems even that was too much to ask for.

    Administrator - June 4, 2019 5:03 pm

    I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. It can absolutely feel completely devastating, but I promise you, there is hope. Have you checked out bloomforcatholicwomen.com? I think you’ll find this to be a valuable resource to help in your healing from this betrayal trauma. My contact info is below, and as I completely understand the financial concern of finding a qualified therapist who accepts insurance. Unfortunately, porn addiction is not recognized by the insurance companies, nor is betrayal trauma yet, as a billable condition. Depression and anxiety which are likely also present in your current situation are however coded for insurance billing. I would recommend when you are speaking to potential therapists you start there. Also, if you visit Catholic Psychotherapy Association, you can find them on Google, they have a national listing of Catholic therapists who might be able to help.
    May God bless your journey….
    Jim O’Day
    Executive Director

Veronica - May 13, 2019 12:36 am

Hi. Reading the all the other comments left me feeling well more sober and realizing the fact that my marriage may never survive. I caught my husband watching gay porn , anal and teen porn. He also was looking at pictures of teenagers from one of the high schools, just writing this down makes me realize how sick this is, despite he telling me otherwise. He makes me feel like I am crazy, like I make this all up, he denies all of it until he doesn’t anymore and then here comes excuses like who cares who’s asshole he is watching man or woman it just all the same, or how pretty teenage girls are but he would never actually have sex with them in real life. And you know what we had this problem before, I thought he changed but it is all a lie. What am I supposed to do? He killing me every day, I am not the woman I once was.

    Administrator - June 4, 2019 3:16 pm

    First off, I am so sorry you are going through this. You are suffering from betrayal trauma and need some resources and help. I recommend you check out our site, bloomforcatholicwomen.com to start.
    Secondly, Your husband is suffering (it sounds like) from a strong pornography addiction. This addiction is emotional, chemical and physical. He will need help to break it, but, like any addiction, he is probably in denial. This addiction generally comes from some wounds or trauma in his past. Until he is ready to get help, get yourself the help you need and don’t give up hope. We have seen many amazing and miraculous marriage recoveries.
    May God Bless you!

Shirly - July 25, 2019 1:53 pm

I am relating to some of these women. My husbands first marriage ended because of his addiction to porn, shevfelt as though he was cheating. We have been together for 4 years and going on 3 years married. He has a program called accountable to you which flags what he is looking at on all his devices. I caught him at 1:30 in the morning looking at pictures of womens boobs, he was sheepish n said sorry but it was unemotional. I checked his accountable to you program which out of his quilt he gave me access to, he previously had his aunt on as the moderator. The best I can tell is he started looking at it again the beginning of July a total of 3 times. I wrote him a note stating that the fact he was looking at porn didnt upset me as much as the fact that he couldn’t come to me and tell me the demons cropped back up again. We have what I thought was an open relationship he has talked to me about sensitive things before. The only thing I can figure is, is that I was in an auto accident back in October and have had a couple of surgeries and now suffer from PTSD from the accident. I was a psychology major and we thought we had figured out the main cause for his addiction, but now I am unsure. He has been very caring, helpful and loving during the time since my accident, he has always been kind, and caring, more than I was ever shown with my first husband. I do not want to write him off, but I am also hurt.

Kyle - August 20, 2019 8:00 pm

Hi, I have a girlfriend, who has experienced a sexual assault and rape. Unfortunately many years later, there are still restrictive side effects of that trauma, that hinder our intimate moments. In fact, she has urged me to use porn as a means of relieving myself, when she simply cannot. I have been very patient, and understanding of her situation. This mutual understanding has strengthened our relationship and in no way has porn negatively impacted our love lives. We have been together for 2 years, and in that time she has finally been able to eat normally, and gain weight, as well as gain some of her former confidence back. We even watch together, and we will swap who picks what to watch. So as much as I understand where this article is coming from, there are situations where this is the better alternative. It’s about mutual decisions. And spotting the difference between use, and addiction.

    Administrator - August 30, 2019 5:47 pm

    I am happy to hear that your girlfriend has experienced some healing from her trauma. However, she is still deeply wounded and in need of more healing. If sex for you is simply about “relieving” yourself, then you are just using your girlfriend (and the women in porn) for your selfish pleasure. Sex is not about “relieving” oneself. It’s an expression of love between a husband and wife that strengthens their bond and is open to new life. Using your girlfriend sexually may actually be hindering her healing process. I recommend you and your girlfriend study St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to learn about God’s plan for sexuality and how it can help your girlfriend’s healing and help strengthen your relationship
    Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., L.P.C., SATP, CSAT
    Comprehensive Counseling Services
    and The Institute for Marital Healing
    101 W. Elm Street, Suite 320
    Conshohocken, PA 19428

jon - October 10, 2019 10:25 pm

After reading all of this, you make it seem like watching porn is just evil. How dare men relieve themselves and indulge in selfish pleasure!; sex is only to be used as an expression of love… really? Ironically, it’s applauded when women withhold sex in a relationship, though the reverse does not hold true. So instead of swallowing the hypocrisy of our culture, he’s to blame for having an addiction, and that’s the ONLY problem. In a situation were sex drives are quite mismatched, your advice would be that it still is wrong if one uses porn as a coping mechanism? Like a lot of internet forums on this and similar topics, you recommend people go get help… many of us already have, in porn, without it my relationship would have been through years ago. I pray my woman’s libido will come back one day but I refuse to be demonized because my method of coping in an incredibly difficult and stressful situation doesn’t correspond with your religious beliefs. Porn will not go away and it’s made to be enjoyed without fear of rejection. Fantasy is part of life as well, to deny it is only lying to oneself. Just like the women above I have betrayal trauma. My relationship started sexually healthy and without porn, but when that suddenly changed and she doesn’t seem to care, at least porn beats suicide.

    Administrator - November 8, 2019 10:54 am

    Dear Jon,

    I can tell from you post that you have been deeply wounded in your relationship. However, two wrongs don’t make a right. Exploiting women online for sexual pleasure won’t help heal your relationship. It’s simply a coping mechanism. In the end one is left with only bitterness and resentment. My recommendation is for you and your wife to seek professional help for your relationship. There are multiple reasons why a woman loses her sex drive. “Replacing” her with porn won’t solve the problem. With professional help you can heal your relationship and possibly once again enjoy a healthy sex life.

    Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., L.P.C., SATP, CSAT Comprehensive Counseling Services and The Institute for Marital Healing
    101 W. Elm Street, Suite 320
    Conshohocken, PA 19428

Michelle - November 13, 2019 11:48 pm

I confronted my husband about him watching an Instagram live and he screen shot the naked parts. I knew he had an addiction but i feel with all this new technology it’s getting worse and he is always on his phone even when we are watching a show he likes. He spun everything into how i’m jealous and how I need to fix myself for being overly jealous.

We’ve been together for 15 years and I don’t want to throw it away over naked photos but since our argument we haven’t spoken, he doesn’t kiss me goodbye when he leaves for work or want to be near me when we are home together.

    Administrator - November 14, 2019 12:51 pm

    Dear Michelle,
    I am so sorry you are experiencing this. Unfortunately, you are right, technology while it has many benefits is also a huge problem when it comes to online addictions…gaming, social media, pornography etc.
    I can totally understand your confronting your husband, and his response was all too common…deflect the blame away from himself. This is a common and some would say normal reaction to “ getting busted” and is usually is a shame based response.
    So what do you do now?
    1. recognize that your husband likely has an addiction and generally this type of addiction is rooted in a past trauma. Not to say it’s ok what he is doing, but to understand that this problem like any addiction is :
    a) Very hard for him to recognize and admit
    b) Embarrassing for him
    c) Not a moral failing but rather a process and brain chemical addiction
    d) Not about sex, but self “medicating”
    2. you are suffering because of this. Suffering from something called Betrayal Trauma, very similar to PTSD in it’s effects
    3. check out bloomforcatholicwomen for online education, resources and support
    4.consider speaking to a local professional individually and as a couple if your husband is open
    5. if he is not open yet…go yourself anyway

    Hope this helps!
    May God bless your journey!

DeeDee - December 31, 2019 12:35 am

I’ve been dealing with my husbands porn addiction for 25 years. I’m 70. I don’t have any hope that it will ever change. I moved to the guest room 2 years ago and have nothing but disgust for sexual intimacy with him since the last broken promise when I walked in on him watching teen porn. We’ve cycled through this dozens of times since the beginning. I NEVER go looking for it and always am shocked when I accidentally catch him. The time before last I told him I’m porn exhausted and next time I’m DONE. He doesn’t believe it’s wrong. Never has. Doesn’t try to hide it. Says he’s normal and I’m not. I said “These are someone’s granddaughters” I’m done. Now he’s trying to get me back in bed with him. I don’t even know how to get it across to him that I really am DONE. I offered to leave. He said he didn’t want me to. I feel like we are room mates. I care about him and we mostly get along. I believe he loves me in some sort of best friend way. At our age I don’t see how we can afford to live separately. I forgive him but I don’t trust him. I don’t want him touching me sexually. It just gags me because all I see is him masturbating to teen or gay porn when I shut my eyes and the fact he says it’s not a moral issue and there’s nothing at all wrong with what he does. To me it IS a moral issue. I just don’t know how to help him understand that I just can’t be intimate with him. I feel like I’ve been cheated out of intimacy for myself. I’m sad and angry and defeated. I feel like there’s no hope left for our marriage, yet I stay out of obligation to the marriage vow I made to him and God.

    Administrator - February 3, 2020 11:30 am

    Dear DeeDee,
    I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Please know that we are praying for you and that all hope is not lost. Have you checked out ourbloomforcatholicwomen.com site and community forum? The are good lessons and information on there about healing from betrayal trauma and a community of women who can connect together. Also, we’ll be putting up our retreat schedule soon for the rest of the year. Our Hope Blooms retreats are a great place of healing and sisterhood in this struggle.
    May God bless your journey…

    Rebecca Jones - June 9, 2020 8:02 pm

    Wow, I can totally relate to what you’re going through! I’ve been married to a porn addict for 33 years, although I didn’t know at first. I’m finally getting my degree, at 63, and then I hope to be able to support myself. Then I’ll leave.

David B - February 25, 2020 4:16 pm

I had no idea how much pain I was causing my wife and how much damage I was doing to our relationship. I love my wife and feel like a failure. I want to help her heal and be supportive and I want help for myself I have abused alcohol and porn for a long time. Thank you for your article. Any advise on how to help her would be great.

    Administrator - February 25, 2020 5:13 pm

    Dear Dave,
    I am so sorry you are going through this, but commend you for recognizing the impact your struggles have had on your wife. You are not a failure, but rather someone who is struggling with a compulsion or addiction if you prefer. Much like alcohol, pornography can be addictive and damaging to your marriage. But hope is not lost. I would recommend your wife check out our Bloom for Catholic Women website and get signed up. This online recovery program and community will help her greatly so she and you can understand what is happening through the lens of betrayal trauma. Additionally, please check back on our website often as we will be launching an online mens coaching call which you might be interested in. Also, I would recommend you both get in to speak with a local professional who can help you get to the root of your struggles. We like to say and it’s true, “the problem is never the problem”. A therapist or counselor can help you move forward in identifying these underlying factors.
    Finally, and now with Lent starting, this is a perfect time, rededicate yourself to the spiritual life…go to Church more and see if there are any groups you can join, find a spiritual director, and speak regularly as a couple to a trusted member of the clergy.
    If you need to talk or have any questions, please feel free to email me directly jimo@integrityrestored.com These may seem like a lot to do, but I promise you the commitment and hard work is worth it and you can heal your marriage.
    God bless your journey!

Brandi Flores - June 22, 2020 1:55 pm

Reading through all of the comments makes me realize that, sadly, I am not alone. Last night I found porn sites set as “favorites” on my husband’s iPhone. He swears they were redownloaded after doing an update, but I know it’s just another lie. My heart and gut have been screaming at me for some time. He gets up and goes downstairs in the middle of the night, deletes his phone’s browsing history, and constantly complains about our declining intimacy, yet we have sex daily. I’ve asked him to leave while I sort through my feelings of anger and betrayal, and I refuse to allow him to manipulate the situation to put the blame on me, like he is so used to doing. There is no admission or ownership on his part, so I don’t see a fix. Only excuses as to why it shouldn’t have been on his phone when I found it. It makes it hard to fix the problem, when a conversation can’t even begin.

    Administrator - June 23, 2020 9:26 am

    Dear Brandi,
    I’m so sorry you are going through this. I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, but healing from this for both you and your husband is possible. I’m wondering if you’ve had an opportunity to check out our Bloom for Catholic Women program? There are some great resources there as well as a community of women supporting each other through their Betrayal Trauma. You are not alone in this struggle!
    One thing to remember, you did not cause this problem and you can’t cure it. Your husband is struggling with pornography due to his own wounds and will need to work on that himself. Sometimes unfortunately, it takes a dramatic event, the so called “rock bottom” for the addict to seek out help.
    While I know this is incredibly painful for you and often very difficult , you need to be firm in your boundaries until he gets the help he needs. If that means sleeping separately, no intimacy, separation, etc. it is what you need to do to help start your healing journey and let him know the seriousness of the situation. Many men will downplay their usage or how damaging it is to the relationship because they too are struggling, with a wound based addiction as well as guilt and shame.
    Please know we will be praying for you both and are here if we can help in any way.
    May God bless your journey,

    Jim O’Day, CLC,SPARC
    Executive Director
    Integrity Restored
    770-653-4053 cell

Kim - July 16, 2020 11:18 am

My ex was severely addicted to porn. It completely tore us apart. Sex was impossible for me to enjoy because I was constantly wondering if he actually enjoyed it, and it felt like a chore. He did cognitive behavioral therapy to help with it but he was having suicidal ideation, in and out of the psych ward, it was bad. We really did the best we could. Ladies, if it doesn’t feel like you can take this any longer, just remember that you can free yourself from it. You are not bound to this man and his addiction. I am all for trying to make it work but I was completely betraying myself at a certain point. If you are at that point, remember it is your choice to stay with him or leave. It is not selfish, it is self preservation. Sending all my love to those in this situation. It is completely heart breaking.

Ortega - August 18, 2020 5:41 pm

I am a newlywed only about 1 1/2 months in. I started dating my now husband about 1 and a half years ago when I was 27. I at the time was speaking/dating someone who seemed like such a dream but he eventually admitted to friends he was scared I would ultimately reject him so he became distant. A close family members best friend had been asking about me and it got back to me and I was not interested because I obviously still had interest in this other man however overtime due to his persistence and seemingly good reputation amongst friends and family I gave in and said yes to a date. We ended up dating seriously which led to us now being married however it was not always smooth sailing in our relationship due to a couple of lies I caught him in and overall his sometimes condescending speech towards me. However, after explaining to him how hurtful and disrespectful this was he stopped and changed. In fact with most issues where he hurt me with smaller things he would change his behavior because he said he loved me and wanted to be the man I deserved and not treat me poorly. There was one instance where his phone went off and I was sitting next to him he picked it up and quickly turned it off and tossed it next to him on the couch. It was in such a way that I looked over at him and was like what was that about and he said it’s nothing just a buddy texting him. I could see some sort of guilt wash over his face and I asked him to look at his phone (throughout our relationship I had never looked through his phone) but judging from his reaction and the look on his face I asked. He said no then I politely insisted to which he unlocked his phone out of my view took a few seconds and a few clicks later handed to me which made me even more suspicious. He eventually told me that in his group chat with his buddies they would sometimes send porn pics or links , at the moment it made me annoyed because he obviously felt it was wrong otherwise he wouldn’t have had such a reaction over the initial glance at his phone. After about a day I dropped the issue and we went back to normal life and everything seemed fine. That was red flag #3 I think at that point but one of the not so petty ones. Fast forward to about a week ago, he comes home from work gives me a hug and a kiss then head off to the shower. About 5 -7 minutes pass of the water running I remember he had ran out of body wash so I open the door thinking he’s already in the shower and he was standing behind the door and he looked spooked and red faced when I looked at him and just handed him the bottle. I didnt think much of it. Fast forward again to 3 days ago, we had gotten into a little disagreement over his wandering eye at times that he thought I didnt notice and thought he was hiding so well. I told him it hurt my feelings and calmly asked why he does it (it’s more than a passing glance, its when he’s looking straight forward but his eyes lock and follow the woman) he denied that he looks at other women vehemently until I mention I’ve caught him on a few occasions one being that same day hence me bringing it up. He then agreed and said I’m sorry, I’m not doing it to hurt you Im not thinking anything when Im looking at them its mindless. Something in me could feel he wasn’t being honest considering what I saw it couldn’t have been just mindless. I asked him to just be open and honest with me and stop telling me what I want to hear because he’s done that alot throughout our relationship. I kept reiterating to be honest and open because I could sense he wasn’t. Than yesterday after along amount of silence when I came home from work he said he really needed to talk I admit I was in the moment not trying to speak with him so he walked away. Then about 10 minutes later he comes back over to me and stands in the door way and before I could even turn around to look in his direction he says I need to talk to you, I’m addicted to porn! Obviously this caught me very off guard and surprisingly all though I felt a sharp pain in my chest and immediate saddness/angry/surprised I remained calm and asked Since when? He explained he had a friend when he was 10 years old that was always watching it and when he’d go to over to his house he’d play it for him so naturally as a young boy the curiosity excited him and he began watching it on his own and he has been hiding it and battling it ever since. He broke down crying saying that he knows how much this would hurt us but he couldn’t keep living a lie especially because my words the previous night about being open and honest rang in his head all day he said so he mustered up the courage to tell me and that he wanted to get help as he has tried in his own in the past but always go back to it. We talked until 1 in the morning and he said he knew it was hurtful and possible could end our marriage. However when I went from being understanding to then letting my emotions out I started crying and telling him how much he’s hurt me in the past and overall this was straw that broke the camel’s back and it was me coming to him as his wife who he hurt and not as me trying to be his friend who was calm and understanding. All night I went between the two emotions still loving and deeply caring about him and wanting things to go back to normal and forgive to complete and utter disgust and anger so much so that I literally almost threw up from stressing out. He admitted that the day I opened the door while I thought he was in the shower he thought I had seen him on his phone and masterbating but because I didnt think much of it I didnt see that. Also explains the “buddy” texting him inappropriate pictures. I think he forgot to close an browser and when he opened his phone to check his text saw it was still up on a porn site. He also told me that he confessed he indeed does check out other women if the are dressed provocatively and it triggers him to think of the videos or pictures he’s seen hence the glazed over expression. Overall, I still question why if he knew he had a problem he’d drag me into such a mess and not seek help before starting in a knew relationship that led all the way to the seriousness of marriage. I also doubt his love and commitment to our relationship due to his manipulative and ability to gain trust and lie pretty much a good portion of his life to hide things. He used to tell me he’d never step out on me because he knows that’s so terrible and damaging to the other person aswell as the cheater and he also wouldn’t do it because of his shy nature yet after continually asking for for honesty he said there could be a possibility he would because he agrees that his addiction and allowance to look at other women could lead to the next step. I am just fighting between leaving and staying to help him and because I truly care for his wellbeing. By the way he is a very attentive and caring husband even when it comes to us being intimate he always makes sure I finish and will lie there with me and tell me he loves me or occasionally compliments me but knowing what I know now I feel like it’s all been a shame and an act so he can fool himself and everyone else with his selfish habit. I’m really lost and confused. If anyone has any sound advice please, I’m all ears.

    Administrator - August 20, 2020 8:59 am

    I’m so sorry you are faced with this. The betrayal trauma you are experiencing is real as is your husband’s addiction, which is likely rooted in some past trauma as well. There is hope however! Your husband needs to find a qualified therapist to deal with his addiction, as well as a support group and if possible a spiritual director. For you, I’d recommend checking out our Bloomforcatholicwomen.com website and community to start. From there you may determine that you also need to see a therapist who is trained in betrayal trauma. Additionally, we have just launched our Integrity Circle Coaching program online which may be the easiest place for you both to start right now given the current pandemic. This online program can be done together as a couple and we recommend looking at each session as a date night, Buy some takeout, watch the 30 minute session and then talk about what you learned.
    There is great hope for healing, better than ever intimacy and a flourishing marriage as you both heal through this journey.
    Please feel free to reach out directly with any questions jimo@integrityrestored.com
    May God bless you both,
    Jim O’Day CLC, SPARC
    Executive Director
    Integrity Restored
    Certified Life and Wellness Coach
    Sex and Porn Addiction Recovery Coach

Barbara - November 22, 2020 7:31 am

I do not believe there are many but success stories as I started a support group for betrayed women on the scientifically based betrayal trauma model. Nearly everyone has separated or divorced.
I would leave my porn addicted husband but I have no money, cannot work due to severe injuries in multiple car accidents (as a passenger). and have no place to go. No family or friends will help me. I am forever changed and will never trust him again. I have learned to trust MYSELF, my gut, my instincts.
I believe there is hope in Jesus Christ but only for those who want help
and actively seek it.

Melanie - December 3, 2020 2:05 pm

I lost the email that was sent to me. I am so discouraged. I dont think confronting my husband will change anything. He is so addicted looking almost everyday. I just want to run but I fear our 11 year old would suffer. I believe he is a narcissist too. I talked to him about me getting plastic surgery to increase my breast size and he is all for it. I want to please him but the reality is no matter what I do to my body he will never stop. Im trying desperately to lose a few extra pounds trying to attract him to only me. I am desperately trying to lose a few pounds to be attractive to him. Im a fool. I already am an attractive woman. He will always be lusting after other women. He is surrounded and friends with many men just like him. No one will tell him what he is doing is wrong but people from our church. He wont listen to them because he has no respect for them. God help me!!!

Cass - January 23, 2021 11:24 pm

My husband has peyronie’s disease and we have tried different ways to be intimate, but have just quit. We haven’t had sex in many years. I lost 30+ pounds last year and my husband never said anything. I’ve had suspicions, so I looked on his phones browser history today and discovered his porn addiction. Not surprised, as he often comments about women’s bodies, hair, etc. I’m wondering if Al-Anon is the only support group out there.

    Administrator - June 10, 2021 9:41 am

    Hi Cass,
    Send me a private note at jimo@integrityrestored.com, I may have some ideas for you.
    God bless your journey,

Ann - March 14, 2021 11:19 pm

How does one go about getting him to want to seek help or stop. I used to be at work while he had a secret life but now with COVID it is exposed. He has lost his conscience and feels anything is OK. He is seeking relationships online – one time a girl called him while I was home. I know he still has feelings for me but porn is telling him he can have whatever he wants. He even stalked a young girl at work who is 30 while he is 63. Women are so lost because men can easily get another partner by going to Ukraine or the Philipines. My husband has been both places and he is now communicating with a girl from Ukraine. I am so beaten down. I have tried to get us marriage counseling but the counselor mainly tries to get him to see how wrong it is based on the Bible. This only makes him worse!

    Administrator - June 10, 2021 9:39 am

    Hi Ann,
    I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. In order to get help, I’d recommend looking for a therapist that has C-SAt or SATP certifications, a specialty that understands working with sex and porn addiction. If you google those certifications you will hopefully be able to find someone local to you.
    May God bless your journey,

Dan - June 14, 2021 9:27 pm

My wife and I started dating at age 16 we new it was true love. Yes we started having sex. To make sure we didn’t get pregnant my girlfriend (wife) and I both went to Plan Parent Hood so she could get the pill. To make sure we didn’t get pregnant. We got married, sex life for me was I would talk ,try romance everything I could think of. No was a common answer. After having 3 kids it got even worse the answer was no 85% of the time. Then we tried some things we probably are not proud of. That didn’t work either. Had a surgery that damaged the lower right inguenal
nerve or the main nerve that goes from the back to the growing very bad chronic pain you can’t believe the pain. Went on oxycodone, morphine for 10 years nothing worked if you know what I mean. Decided to get off all opioid then it was like I was 18 again. Still have some problems. Went and got some toys my wife could not figure out why. So I explained to her what was going on. She didn’t like that. For the last 4 months she has something wrong with her. We talked about it she was to make appointments 1 moth later no appointments.hsd sex 1 time. Did not want to bother her but would ask once in awhile. NO SHE WOULD SAY. Mean time I’ve watched porn once in awhile she says I’m cheating on her by watching porn. She says I’m a porn addict. Still waiting for her to make Dr. appointments. It is coming up on 42 years of marriage. Quite an achievement in these days. Keep asking about Dr. appointments she says that she will call.
PS. What can I do. We lost our daughter 3 years ago unexpectedly. She also lost her mom 3 bothers and a sister. Just before we started dating but she will not go to counseling. We have gone to marriage counseling and they want to see her separate. She would never go back.

karen - August 9, 2021 10:56 am

Warning to Men
My decent into hell occurred approximately 3 years ago. His according to him 2 years prior. I should have seen the signs, but wait I did. He lied at least twice I asked, he denied. The breaking point came after a month of no sex. I became consumed with finding out the truth. I would always ask him why are you getting all of these raunchy emails? date sites, hot girls, viagra, hook up with locals etc…His response was it was just spam “everyone” gets them.
Finally after about losing my mind. He confessed that he may have a problem with porn. Two marriage counselors later I realize I will never trust him again. I had severe rumination in the beginning thinking did he cheat? did he chat? I will never know. He has
taken 3 lie detector test failed all questions on the first one. Second one passed as far as affairs, inconclusive regarding chat sites. He was so proud to show the results of that one. My suspicious mind wondered if he paid someone else to take it. The third one also came back inconclusive regarding chat sites. I WOULD NOT STAY IF I HAD PROOF ABOUT ANY OF THE ABOVE… I WOULD LIVE IN A CARDBOARD BOX IN THE GETTO RATHER THEN LIVE WITH A CHEAT.. (I feel bad enough that I am living with a deceitful liar).
In the beginning I threatened to take his office computer in and have it dissected.
He threatened suicide… At the advice of the counselor we destroyed it. Thats a decision I will regret for the rest of my life.
I struggle with leaving him often. I do believe from the bottom of my soul, that this is divorce worthy. I have known him longer then I haven’t. Married almost 38 years This has broken me. He has repented and feels terrible about the hurt he has caused. Call me unforgiving but I believe you have choices in life. He made the choice to fire up the internet and when I noticed him getting shady lie about it. I believe it changes your soul.
He changed during that time. Call it a mid life crises or the devil was knocking at his door
he was different. I have more respect for men who are honest about it that way she can choose to stay or go.
SOO to all you men out there who say its okay to lie and look at porn. KNOW it will come at a cost. Your spouse will never look at you the same, she will never feel as good about herself before your nasty habit took you over. More then likely you will never be trusted. When YOU have to LIE and hide what you are doing there is a problem it will not only cost you, but it will cost her as well.

Anonymous - October 4, 2021 7:51 pm

Does anyone else’s husband have a hard time watching TV and being around any other woman? Is this something they do?

TeenZ y - August 14, 2022 6:29 am

This is a horrible addiction. I’ve lived through this for years. We sometimes went months without sex. It became worse. Then he added sex toys. It destroyed intimacy and eventually our marriage & me.

Tori - August 24, 2022 11:13 am

I’m going through a really hard time, I’m 7 months pregnant, with a 2 year old & unexpectedly found porn on my husbands phone this week 2 years into our marriage. I feel completely blind sided/ lied too as this is something we’ve talked about being an issue of the past before we got married. I had a weird feeling that something was up so I continuously prayed God would reveal to me whatever it was. He did but it’s so hard to be honest with myself & not blame myself. Thank you for posting this, I needed to read this.

SD - April 9, 2023 5:47 am

There are porn addicts. Men who have a good intimate relationship but want to gratify deep perverse thoughts. This article is not totally wrong. However it does have the typical Anti-Marriage vibe to it. Where it is only one sides fault and NEVER the other way or both ways. Intimacy for a man is the strongest love connection. Some men will dabble in it when the marriage is unfulfilling. And if that sounds selfish, then that means the other way around, it’s selfish as well. The prior generations we learned our marriage values from went from “marriage is a sacred covenant between 2 people and love, emotionally and physically are what drives the foundation”…..to “When you find a man to marry, his main responsibility is too provide and accept that intimacy slows down….”. When my wife asked me why I would dabble in porn, I was embarrassed and ashamed already. I felt low and less. She told me how bad it makes her feel as well…and yes, I will acknowledge that it killed me that she had to feel that way. Because she is my EVERYTHING in this life time. At first I didnt know what to say. I didnt know how to express emotion (I was raised by a narcissist mother who had a slight anguish for men. She was caught being unfaithful to my father and always made it sound like it was his fault). To make this short and not long, I finally was able to come out and tell her why. I had to learn that what I was feeling didnt make me a selfish and only physically focused on sexual/physical intimacy. When I first met her, she made the first move and would kiss me very very much. When she kissed me, there was this rush that I never had experienced with no other. Everytime she would passionately kiss me, she would tell me “I love you”. That burned so deep into me in such a warming fulfilling way. I believed her and had NO doubt of her love. Later, as time went by, the kisses and affections slowed down. Some of it had to do with her grandmother (Her mom passed when she was young). For one, her grandmother had bad luck with marriages. So she pressed this idea that “You snare the man with you flesh. Once he is married, his sole purpose is to bring home a paycheck and hand it to you. Give him a meal, and all is square.” (Oh…and she also was sure to let us know, she is to be included in the money that was brought home)…Flash forward for the sake of length of this read, the more distant my wife grew from me, the more toxic and hurt I became. I started to feel as if I didnt matter. As if how I felt meant nothing. Her intimacy became a here and there or when it is convenient. When she would kiss me, she would sometimes stay pressed against my lips longer than usual. And I would think “this is it! We are finding our passion again!” And as that old feeling started to whirl around in my heart and head, she was done. For a long time, I never told her how I felt. Just for the fear of it being misunderstood and making her feel awful about herself. After so long though, a person will begin to break down as more distance comes between. And before I knew it, the hurt was unbearable. I felt inadequate as a husband and a father. And like any human or creature that is in pain, they writhe around trying for any relief they could possibly get. Although, I do stand by and agree with the fact, porn is very vile and disgusting and should never become an option. I wasnt addicted to it. I was not watching it EVERYDAY like i couldnt live without it. It only became a thing on nights or days where my emotions were extremely strained with little intimacy with my wife. At that point I would have settled for a long long warm embrace in her arms. I longed to feel the love she showed me. To get to the point of this…I finally came out and was able to tell her that I use it as a means to suffice or distract my mind on the worst days. Before that, I was using prescription drugs. I then transitioned to alcohol. Each habit I dropped because it hurt her. And when I thought I could manage after each hurdle…I would seek another vice. To this day, we have made so much progress. She is starting to see it from my point of view. We still struggle, and I still ache deeply for that passion….but I do fight hard to push back the temptations of a quick, easy way to dull the pain. I wish we could get there faster…..but it is on its own time. Just the fact that she acknowledged how I feel has meant the world to me. It brightened my hope and yes, is one reason I am pushing to make better choices. I want her to know, it’s not only about her meeting me to the way….but also me wanting to meet her half way. Cause I will never claim innocence and victimhood when I know, I am still responsible for my choices at the end of the day. My biggest argument with all of this is….giving up your marriage should not be on the top of the list so quickly and easily.

    Get Help - May 31, 2023 12:17 pm

    I think it is very obvious that you are making excuses, and you are blaming her. Addicts are selfish, and the self-focus is quite evident. I feel sorry for her. There are no sides. Believing in sides allows you to continue making it seem as though someone pushed you to make horrific decisions.

    Get Help - May 31, 2023 12:20 pm

    I think it is very obvious that you are making excuses, and you are blaming her. Addicts are selfish, and the self-focus is quite evident. I feel sorry for her. There are no sides. Believing in sides allows you to continue making it seem as though someone pushed you to make horrific decisions. She didn’t give up on the marriage. You did.

Luna - May 31, 2023 12:12 pm

I grew up in a household with many substance abusers; therefore, I know all about the range of responses that ensue. From denial to blame-shifting to violence, I have seen how extreme addicts can be. Porn is much worse. To protect his addiction, my husband physically assaulted his daughter, left his pornography where she would find it (several times), had yelling and screaming fights with her about it during the teen years, and consistently lied claiming that he would not put anyone through that madness anymore. After the raising of children phase was over, his porn use escalated further. This article is excellent because it mentions that “giving” someone sex each day is not the answer. It most certainly isn’t; yet, when I stopped and told my truth, my life was threatened. I was beaten, choked, suffocated, and worse. Before my marriage started, I said that I would not ever consider religiously converting and that I did not want to be someone who had looked at porn even one time. He lied and said that he never had. Thirty years later, my greatest regret in life was not having some way of finding out first and making a different decision. It has tested my faith. Why was my life wasted like this? There is no good that comes from this. If you are in a relationship with someone who has this problem, view it as the infidelity that it is and avail yourself of the right to divorce. Save yourself and your children. Porn is evil, and they must be left to fight it alone.

Laura - July 17, 2023 11:56 pm

Help!! I confronted my new (3y) husband a year ago after catching him getting aroused by naked women on Google. I researched and tried to be compassionate with his struggle. He seemed to take steps to improve.
He’s always preferred staying up much later than me. He says it’s the only part of the day he has to himself. I’ve suspected that he’s still doing it AND drinking until he passes out. However, he seems fine in the morning and our relationship is otherwise good day to day.
BUT TONIGHT….I used his phone to take a picture. When I went into photos, my 16 year old daughter’s (his step-daughter) picture was up and zoomed in on her cleavage. She happened to be making a funny face with her tongue out too. I knew instantly this was no mistake. That picture was a year old, and the only one with her deep cleavage showing in her prom dress. PLUS, he’d zoomed in. I’m sick and at a loss. He tried denying…. (oh it’s a funny face) …but I knew he was lying and he knew I could tell. Worse yet, I couldn’t fight it out because my daughter is home.
This is a whole other layer on porn addiction. It’s my daughter!! Now what?!? I don’t know who to turn to or trust with this. I’m heart broken and sickened. He’s literally an imposter to me now. I don’t know if I should give him grace or run for our lives. Please ….I’m praying for direction.

Annie - September 13, 2023 6:04 pm

I’m with my pair nearly 4 years. He is 33 yrs old. Under time we already fought about his porn watching addiction. First 2 times he called it as a bad habit, and he will leave it behind. Around 1 week ago we had another fight as I found his secret accounts.
After showing him some post about what he does not normal he shared to me past trauma that possibly effected him. He accepted it’s addiction and he will try to stop and recover. Seems like he is trying but after reading all these comments I just feel lost, let me share more details about his actions.
He is watching porn but mostly model pages and searching for naked celebrity bodies. I asked him what he feels while he is doing that and what he sees on them. He said he feels want to f*ck them, literally said that. He is watching their curves around waist, and round ass shapes. (and his saved pictures are mostly top part of women, sooo?! Lie? He knew I’m not so happy with my chest, probably that’s why.) He knows every details about them (if they had plastic surgery or natural what he sees). He is not finishing the masturbating, daily for hours he was keep doing only until he felt he will finish… he told me he was watching these things even at workplace.
We had issues having sex and after knowing these infos I just feel all the time he just needed an idiot to stay with him and he tought he can hide those things from me. I already had body dismorphia and depression.
Since I know these about him, I feel I’m trapped in my body, thinking of having surgery all over my body. I started to smoke that I never did before and often having fatasy of just ending my own life. I have nightmares about this enite over over againnnn. I feel disgust to myself. He never looked at my body same way as he is looking at those pages. I afraid to even think of taking my clothes off front of him.
We lived hard times together losing our baby under pregnancy, I felt our bond is strong after we survived so many bad things together!
I don’t know what to do….

Claire - December 17, 2023 10:57 pm

I have been dealing with this for more than 25 years. It doesn’t stop. Words don’t mean anything. I believe porn addiction is uncontrolled sin. They continue to do it because they want to. So sorry for us all. It’s the worst nightmare.

Tim - March 17, 2024 5:57 pm

It’s evident every couple’s challenge with porn addiction, is somewhat unique, mine no less so. For the first 12 to 15 years of my marriage, I never had a porn addiction. In fact, the reality of my relationship with my wife, was so powerful a motivation, that I never considered porn as a problem. It just didn’t appeal to me. Then something changed. My wife developed a habit of saying no to sex or even intimacy. Even kissing and embracing her, was rejected. She would say I’m bothering her. I candidly told her you’re destroying my feelings for you. She wouldn’t care. She 2as okay with a sexless relationship. In fact, she asked me “haven’t we had enough sex all these years?” “You’ve enjoyed yourself already!”
Gradually, my capacity to resist inadvertent nudity online weakened. It was so frustrating that I actually called her older sister living 4 hours away, but nothing changed. After hearing “No, not tonight” so many times, it became an embarrassment to ask. So I stopped asking and I realized I have to find a way to sate my sexual needs.
To cut a long story short, that was my descent into pornography. I contemplated ending my marriage, but it was not as simple as I thought. Boy! did I go through pains ?! Having a wife whom you feel too embarrassed to ask for sex because you can anticipate what her answer will be – “No!”. Please dont make excuses saying “If you treat her well, she’d give you sex”. Please speak for yourselves. People are individuals. Say ” If my husband treats me well, I will give him sex”. I was not an abusive husband. This woman simply didn’t want intimacy. Why make that an issue? I accepted her decision. In fact, at an unguarded moment, she said “I’m training you”. Training me for what? She never answered that question.
My conclusion is some women believe once a man loves them, irrespective of their behaviour, that love cannot change or die. What a colossal mistake!
I’m equally astounded to hear women here complaining their husbands dont look at them, dont want sex with them, etc. It seems so unreal to me, but the evidence is compelling.
It would seem every marriage must confront an existential threat at one point or the other. My marriage today, is a shaddow of what it used to be.

Anone - March 28, 2024 5:25 am

I found out yesterday it’s not even two years for our marriage and he watches it every alternate day and looks for erotic parlor nearby and who knows may he might even visit it. Coz I am exhausted with my baby and he makes excuses like no I am looking at it for knowledge purpose and stuff like that . Who does that I already suffer from post partum depression and now I just want to die it’s nothing better in this world . I kept on asking what wrong did I do ? Where did I messed things up ? Do I even deserve all this ? Am I the wrong person? I come from a sort of disfunction family my parents fought all their lives literally blamed me for it I feel they were right may be I am the problem. I got better after marriage but again this happens and kills me I cried out in front of my mom generalized it by saying every men does it you father grand father your maternal uncle its like a topic among women that there men watch porn . They all are still married for 30 – 60 years I hate it why being married if you are being betrayed they say women from good family adjust with even a monster. I don’t have that guts I may take my life some day coz nothing worked out for me throughout my life.


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