Bloom Breaks Isolation, Leads To Healing

We are living in an age where technology allows us to connect with people from all across the globe. Unfortunately, our social media habits often end in more isolation than connection. For example, we see the highlights of someone else’s life. We then start to focus on what they do have and what we don’t have. So instead of feeling inspired, we feel ungrateful.
Bloom For Catholic Women has an answer to this “isolation within connection” phenomenon. Bloom offers online courses, video content, and articles to educate women about Betrayal Trauma and the psychology of addiction, grief, forgiveness, and anger. The community member forums allow members to connect and share their experiences, without the “glossy perfection” that comes with social media. Instead of pictures of the “perfect” life, women connect and share how they have overcome obstacles; they share both the good and the bad that comes in life.
Bloom For Catholic Women is especially focused on healing trauma from a spouse’s pornography use. This topic is difficult to discuss in social media or with friends in a face-to-face conversation. In Christian circles, there is a high level of shame, embarrassment and stigma that comes along with this topic. In secular circles, a woman might even be encouraged to watch pornography or allow her husband to watch it in the name of “sexual freedom.”
Although pornography is a known sin, many Christians have warped views about it. They either fear any mention of the word, or go along with secular culture and assume pornography use is nearly harmless. Integrity Restored works to help men conquer pornography use and addiction. What is often ignored, unfortunately, is that spouses of men who view porn often feel betrayed and rejected. Real trauma can occur because of pornography use in marriage. Bloom For Catholic Women answers the need for a female-centered ministry that educates and empowers women who have experienced betrayal trauma.
Bloom has established a safe haven where women learn that there is nothing good within pornography and no freedom associated with it. In fact, it is a chain and a heavy burden to bear. Yet, instead of shaming women and their spouses, Bloom educates, encourages, and helps women heal and receive God’s grace.
The forums for Bloom members help women understand that they are not alone; it can show them a kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Rather than suffering in isolation, the forums encourage connection and sisterhood. Information is both scientific and spiritual, focusing on both best practices in psychology, as well as Catholic teaching regarding sexuality and the human body.
Marriage is a beautiful Sacrament, but we must always remember that we are fallen people in a fallen world and, therefore, our marriages can be filled with trials and struggles. Encourage the women in your life who may be struggling to join Bloom For Catholic Women and experience healing and empowerment through education and true friendship.