Kids’ Film Grooms Youth For Sex Abuse

The Motion Picture Association of America Movies developed a rating system for movies, ranging from G (General Audience) to NC-17 (Adults Only.) The thought is that this should help parents discern which movie is appropriate for their family. Unfortunately, Hollywood has become so pornified that hypersexualized content can end up in movies of all ratings, as recently happened with the movie Show Dogs, starring Will Arnett and Ludacris.
Show Dogs is rated PG. Other movies, such as Finding Dory and the 2016 version of Pete’s Dragon, also received this rating. So a parent should be safe to assume that the content of the movie isn’t lewd or indecent. Yet, Show Dogs had multiple scenes where the main character, a police dog undercover as a contestant in a dog show, was told he would have to let judges touch his genitals in order to win the competition. Winning the dog competition is absolutely necessary to save a kidnapped panda and complete his mission. The dog was told to go to his “zen place” so that he could tolerate his private parts being molested by strangers and coached to do whatever it takes to win.
You would think the content is the worst part. It’s not. The worst part in this story is that this film had a director, producers, writers, and editors who knew the content of the film and made it anyway. The people making movies for our children are so entrenched in the Hollywood hypersexual culture that they presumably didn’t even notice that this content was way out of line and could potentially groom children to be abused. Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
There is a lot to celebrate, however, and reason to hope. Observant parents noticed the overtly-sexual themes and made some noise. Terina, a blogger for wrote an excellent response to the film and discussed ways to use movies as teaching tools to help guard them from sexual predators. Others posted in social media and soon adults everywhere writing, calling, and sending owls to show their disapproval for the content in Show Dogs. Rather quickly, producers pulled the movie from theaters and agreed to edit the offensive and dangerous content.
Although it is sad that these scenes were written, filmed, and edited in the first place, we are very happy to see that Hollywood will listen when enough adults chime in. You don’t have to be a parent, aunt, or uncle in order to be upset when sexually dangerous content is made for children. If you care about kids and the future of our world, say something!
We know that pornography has seeped its way into almost every part of our culture, but we also know that restoration and healing are possible. We provide many resources to help individuals, married couples, parents, and parishes fight the harmful effects of porn.
For individuals struggling with viewing pornography, download a FREE e-book that will help you live a porn-free life. (Yes, it is possible!) We also offer resources for married couples who want healing from the strain porn has placed on their relationship. Parents can put the armor of God around their home and use our resources as a hedge of protection from the predatory porn industry. Clergy have a responsibility for the pastoral care of the Body of Christ- don’t let any more time go by without looking at our resources to help those in need!
Together we can speak up, get prepared, and remain steadfast in the battle for the safety of our children, as well as the souls of many. Do not allow this pornified culture to continue its onslaught of filthy material aimed at children. Join us in fighting back!
Jim O’Day
Executive Director