Marital Healing through Empathy
Ryan and Joanna came to my office feeling really hurt and discouraged. Finding out about Ryan’s pornography addiction left Joanna cycling through many emotions, but she mainly felt angry and alone. The betrayal was almost too much for her to handle.
Knowing how deeply he hurt his wife, Ryan was committed to doing whatever it took to help Joanna heal and to restore their marriage. However, it seemed like whatever he did only made things worse. He was committed to his recovery program, which Joanna appreciated, but the flowers and love notes he gave her meant nothing to her.
What Joanna really needed was for Ryan to truly understand her pain. There is a saying in recovery that “it’s the addict who carries the shame, but it’s the partner that carries the pain.” To truly understand Joanna’s pain, Ryan would have to practice empathy. To empathize means to truly understand how someone feels, to put yourself in their shoes.
To help Ryan learn how to empathize, their marriage therapist guided the couple through empathy exercises. In these exercises, Ryan and Joanna would face each other and Joanna would express how she felt. Ryan would then reflect what Joanna said focusing on the content and emotions.Joanna would then verify if Ryan was correct in his observations and make corrections where needed. When they finally got to the place where Joanna knew that Ryan truly understood what she said and felt, there was a sign of relief in her expression and a bit of excitement in her voice. Finally, Ryan knew exactly how she felt. This created a connection between them that they had not felt in a long time.
While this was just the start of their healing, Ryan and Joanna had new hope that they could heal their marriage. It would take many more marital counseling sessions and practicing empathy to fully heal their marriage.
Carol Juergensen Sheets is an expert in helping couples heal from betrayal trauma. In her book, “Help. Her. Heal.” (2019), she presents a three-part process for healing using empathy. She calls it “AVR,” which stands for Acknowledge, Validate and Reassure.
- Acknowledge the pain that was caused by the pornography use and sexual infidelity. There can be no soft pedaling. The husband must fully acknowledge the pain and take full responsibility for it.
- Validate her feelings. The husband must fully understand and validate his wife’s feelings that are the result of his actions.
- Reassure her that he understands her pain and that he is doing everything possible to ensure that he never hurts her again.
Empathy builds connections between people. When two people fully understand each other it creates a path toward intimacy, forgiveness, trust and healing. Without it, I believe there can be no true healing.
As Ryan and Joanna continued to practice empathy, they developed a greater understanding of each other. Ryan truly understood the pain he caused. This gave him the drive to succeed in his recovery so he would never hurt Joanna again. Joanna came to understand addiction as a disease and that Ryan never wanted to hurt her. This helped her to forgive him and learn to trust again. They are still in the healing process; however, their love for each other has grown and they are fully confident that one day their marriage will be fully healed.
If you are struggling to heal your marriage due to betrayal trauma, I urge you to work with your therapist on empathy.
Thank you Dr. K. I can’t tell you how reassuring it feels to finally see a Mental Health Professional who has, gotten every aspect of pornography, addiction, betrayal, trauma and marriage correct!!! You have written about everyone of these topics and they are all right on the money!
I pray that my very sick, mentally ill, husband can find someone to help him heal. It’s been over two years since I have learned about my husband’s past and secret underage gay porn. His guilt, shame, and lack of trust has kept him locked into a world of silence.
Our marriage seems as if it’s over and our children are disgusted!
I’m in weekly therapy, a member of Bloom and Hope’s Garden. I pray to Our Lord for help !😔🛐🙏✝️