Why I Wish My Dad Had Spoken to Me About Porn | IntegrityRestored.com


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Why I Wish My Dad Had Spoken to Me About Porn


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Lisa tran Santos - July 29, 2015 5:00 am

I love my dad I al miss him. And I wish my dad has still live with me but he passed away for a long time but I wish my dad had spoken to me a lot of good news and he had teaching me when I need . Iam sad and happiness

Jeannie - February 4, 2016 1:36 am

There was no one to protect me from pornography. My loving mother said it was natural for girls to have feelings about boys, but was never taught abstinence. My step father didn’t talk to us at all about anything. He has many sexual issues himself we found out later. I became a “boy-toy”, a fornicator and an adulteress. A man pleaser, a whore. I had respect for prostitutes because in my mind, they at least got paid for what I was giving away. I had no self-respect at all. Had a child out of wedlock and wanted to give her away to someone who could provide the spiritual, physical and temporal needs that I did not have (salvation tool box to succeed I life). Did not and went from one relationship to another, took birth control like candy and realized I had aborted what could have been my daughters/grandchildren for my parents. I was an addict all of my life, even incestuously. Trying to numb the emptiness and pain in my soul. I was called a slut and whore, and I was, but like an alcoholic could not stop the grip of my addiction. After a suicide attempt and complete ruination I said enough. I was free for a few years and got involved with someone later who had many addictions, this was one. I gave in again to immoral behavior and was sick to my stomach from my surrender to his controlling, perversions. I am ashamed of what I have done. I wanted to be holy and useful in God’s kingdom. Not sure what to do now. I wish someone had told me how precious chastity was. I knew the moment I lost my innocence and went down the slippery slope how much I lost. That precious pearl of holy living. I had an idea of God’s plan for my life, a thought about it when I was young, but did not follow it. I chose sin to the point of spiritual death. You hear about cancer and alcohol and drug problems. This is right up there with the worst of them. Lord have mercy.

KD - October 16, 2019 5:43 pm

The Lord does have mercy. It is never to late to turn to him and ask for His Mercy. He loves you. In the Lord’s eyes, you are still his beloved daughter and He wants to wash you clean as He did to Mary Magdalene and many other saintly women who went astray before turning back to Him. Don’t give up! Praying for you, Jeannie!


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