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Getting Back to Normal Life After Porn


About the Author

Dr. Peter Kleponis

Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., SATP-C is a Licensed Clinical Therapist and Assistant Director of Comprehensive Counseling Services in Conshohocken, PA. He holds an M.A. in Clinical-Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in General Psychology. Dr. Kleponis has over 18 years of professional experience working with individuals, couples, families and organizations. He specializes in marriage & family therapy, pastoral counseling, and pornography/sexual addiction recovery. He is Certified in the Diagnosisand Treatment of Sexual Addictions by The American Association of Christian Counselors' Light University, by Dr. Mark Laaser's Freedom Begins Here Program, and by Dr. Todd Bowman’s SATP program. Dr. Kleponis has been a guest on several EWTN television programs including Women of Grace, Franciscan University Presents, Crossing the Goal, EWTN Bookmark, and At Home with Jim & Joy. He is also a regular guest on Relevant Radio's On-Call program. Dr. Kleponis travels throughout the country educating people on how to win the battle against pornography through his Fighting Porn in Our Culture…and Winning! program. He is the author of two books, The Pornography Epidemic: A Catholic Approach (2012) and Integrity Restored: Helping Catholic Families Win the Battle Against Pornography (2014). Dr. Kleponis is also founder of the Integrity Starts Here Catholic recovery program for pornography and sexual addiction. He works with individuals and couples from around the United States and internationally in-person, by phone, and by Skype. For more information see his website,

Comments (16)

Tim - April 24, 2016 4:37 pm

I have been fighting it again..
Once you get away.
Stay away.if you don’ comes back 7 times stronger..

My problem is I don’t have the money…I don’t have a drivers
License to go very far…
I will NOT go to groups..bad
Decision and bad memories.

I believe in the instant deliverance…but I have to have counseling..

I just got out of prison after 9
Years and 4 months.

My sentence was a direct cause
Of pornography…I Want FREEDOM….I have a call of God on my life..and I want to see it through..


Sen Al - May 13, 2017 8:11 am

Hello! Wonderful article 🙂

It’s been a few months for me, and I’m actually going through withdrawal symptoms. But I’d rather have those than satisfy my needs unlawfully. The pain is good in this case! I honestly noticed a drastic improvement in my life and the way I think after quitting. I’ve become so much happier and healthier! I just have to wait out the withdrawal symptoms now 🙂

The key here is to masturbate in moderation, without the use of sexually explicit material. Or find yourself a partner 🙂

To anyone else reading this article: STAND YOUR GROUND!

Thank you so much 🙂

— Sen Al

Clarissa - June 1, 2019 1:31 pm

My husband was caught by me as I saw the sites he was returning to several years ago, he admitted his addiction and seemed sorry..we talked to our pastor and he met once after that, but no counseling. He admits that it has been going on for about 3 years, after that we didn’t talk about it much. I would occasionally ask him how it was going. During this time he wanted almost nothing to do with me sexually..very painful. Now we are in counseling for distance on our relationship..he told our pastor that he has been totally clean for many that possible without continuing intervention or any counseling or accountability?

    Administrator - August 1, 2019 5:38 pm

    Dear Clarissa,
    In healthy recovery, lasting sobriety comes from being committed to a comprehensive recovery program. This includes counseling, support and accountability, and a strong spiritual life. Without these, any sobriety is just white-knuckling it, and the addicted person is sure to fall back into using pornography. The first step in any recovery program is being honest with ones’ self, God and others. The fact that he told your pastor that “he has been total clean for many years,” yet he has admitted to you that his pornography use “has been going on for about 3 years” is an indication that he is not honest or in true recovery. I recommend seeing a certified sex addiction counselor that can help your husband get honest and be committed to immersing himself in a comprehensive recovery program. This will lead to real sobriety.

    God bless,
    Dr. Peter Kleponis
    Integrity Restored
    Director of Clinical Programs

Dennis - October 4, 2019 2:07 pm

I too fight my addiction daily. Porn has dominated me for most of my life. I spent time in jail resulting from my addiction. I am currently in counseling but the desire is still there. I do feel the white knuckling feeling you describe. I continue to seek the guidance of God and pray for a relief from my anxiety.

Tim - June 12, 2021 10:02 pm

Hello, I’m 57 and first dealt with soft porn, such as Playboy and Penthouse which my stepdad didn’t hide well when I was 14. I’ve always been attracted to women, dated a lot and was married for many years. When went back to college at 33 is when I started watching porn and I was hooked. Between low self esteem and confidence because my stepdad shamed me etc. With plenty of therapy I worked through the shame now abstinence from Pornography for 2 weeks and going back to church: knowing I need to heal from my sexual deviancy and needing healthy relationships with women and people comes from being sober. I know it’s a sin against God.

    Administrator - June 21, 2021 10:35 am

    Hi Tim,
    God bless you for reaching out and for your progress on your recovery. Check out our podcast tomorrow on 5 steps for healing… you can find it on our website Getting real with recovery is never easy, but healing is possible. Here at IR we recommend :
    strong scientific counseling
    an increase in the spiritual life and spiritual direction
    community and accountability
    Please let us know how you are doing and check out our facebook mens group Integrity Restored(men) for a community of like minded brothers…
    God bless your journey,

brad hton - October 18, 2021 10:59 am

I have been divorce a long time now, mostly because I have been trying to meet the right woman for my rather harsh life and not make another mistake, but this has led to isolation and loneliness.. I was viewing porn for sexual simulation, but always feeling so ashamed of my own self, but it became an addiction… I wanna turn my life back to Christ, I am a Christian, but so ashamed that I would sin so badly that I feel unworthy of the love of Christ.. I am turning my life around now and praying for help and forgiveness…

Todd - April 27, 2023 3:38 pm

My brain refuses to heal its 2023 turning 51 next month

David - April 27, 2023 6:53 pm

I have gotten a year of abstaining from porn. That was in 2020. Since my father passed away in January of 2021 I have only been able to put about two months together. I want to stop. It hurts. I want to do whatever it takes to get better. That means going to daily 12 step meetings, finding a solid counselor who I trust, and working with other men who are struggling like I struggle.
What do I want from becoming sober from porn? Why do I want to be sober from porn? I want to be free to look at my son’s in the eye and witness freedom. I want to be able to call them into accountability. I want to be able to bring people into the faith and be strong. I want to stand up to my wife and not have her rule over me. I want to be on a journey of hope instead of despair. This and so much more.
I want to act out of strength instead of weakness. and so much more.

Benjamin - November 5, 2023 6:02 pm

I, am a former porn addict…. Since the age of 14 I messed with it and got addicted, now two years later I’m clean.

There was a point in my life I fell in got hooked, not only till 6 months ago did I attempt to quit and not till a month ago did I become successful.

There was a point in it where I doubted my faith, I doubted God and I became ashamed, After years of this I repented and I honestly feel much closer to God than I can ever recall being. He helped me through it and I’m forever grateful. The first week was hard as was the second and I still get random urges for it but this message is for anyone who is struggling.

Push through it, you don’t need porn it only makes things worse. since quitting life has been 100% better there are still trials but it will give you satisfaction knowing you did the right thing! Always pray when you are tempted it gives you strength, in my experience a Hail Mary will help with the urge. You can do this, and thank you for this article, it’s important that people can find help and encouragement!

God Bless and good luck to those struggling you are all in my prayers!

Todd - November 17, 2023 7:33 pm

Seriously 2024 almost still no change

    Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D. - November 19, 2023 4:33 pm


    If you are still not experiencing any improvement, maybe you need some professional help. I would he happy to speak with you. Please call my office to schedule a free phone consultation: 610-601-9781. We can discuss your struggles, answer your questions, and determine the best course of action. I look forward to speaking with you soon. God bless.

Todd - December 26, 2023 12:27 am

Christmas 2023 still no change

Todd - December 29, 2023 8:14 am

Seriously starting to panic ,two days till 2024 still no change.Im 51 almost 52.My back is killing me ,still letjargic ,no energy etc

    Dr. Peter Kleponis - May 18, 2024 9:23 am


    I suggest you consult with a psychologist who specialized in sexual addictions to address your struggles in recovery. I also suggest you see a medical doctor for your physical issues. Recovery cannot be done alone. You need a team of people for help, support, and accountability.

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