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The Integrity Restored Podcast: Crucial Conversations About Culture and Sexual Integrity.
Each episode of the Integrity Restored Podcast will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to live a porn free life and to help others do the same.

Episode 135 – 8 Myths and 3 Pillars with Jim O’Day

October 11, 2022

There are many common myths surrounding the topic of pornography addiction. In this episode, Jim breaks down 8 common myths he hears regularly and why the 3 pillars of Integrity Restored are important. Takeaways: 1. It’s a David vs. Goliath problem in society today 2. We need to stop talking about it like a moral […]


Episode 134 – The Correlation Between Porn and Suicide with David Fortin

October 4, 2022

Jim is joined by David Fortin to discuss the ways in which pornography usage correlates to an increased risk of suicidal tendencies especially in youth and young adults. Takeaways: 1. Isolation and depression are common symptoms of a porn addiction and strong indicators of suicidal ideation. 2. One in six students think about suicide. 3. […]


Episode 133 – Five Faulty Beliefs of an Addict (REBROADCAST)

September 27, 2022

In this episode, Jim discusses the Five Faulty Beliefs of an Addict and the guilt and shame that fuel them. He discusses the value of guilt and the problem with shame and how to resolve both in your healing journey.


Episode 132: Unpacking Betrayal Trauma with Sr. Tina Alfieri (REBROADCAST)

September 21, 2022

A betrayal of trust that deeply impacts the relationship and has lasting effects is one of the problems of continued pornography use. Jim speaks with Sr. Tina Alfieri, LCSW,C-SAT, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Sex Addiction Treatment provider who is a also a diocesan hermit in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Sr. Tina unpacks […]


Episode 131 – Spiritual Direction 101 with Maria Brackett

September 13, 2022

Maria Brackett, Divine Mercy University’s Program Director for the Spiritual Direction Certificate joins Jim to discuss what is Spiritual Direction, Why do you need it and how do you find one. Check out divinemercy.edu Takeaways: 1. Spiritual Direction is an important pillar in recovery according to the experts 2. Spiritual Direction along with the grace of […]


Episode 130 – Realize Your Calling with Dan Lorenz

September 6, 2022

In this episode, Jim is joined by Realizeyourcalling.com founder Dan Lorenz to discuss the importance of finding your gifts and calling as part of the recovery process. Takeaways: 1. Self-awareness helps drives success in recovery and life 2. Learning to be authentic helps us help others 3. Every mission/ministry needs help to flourish and you […]


Episode 129 – From Darkness to Hope with Mike and Margaret

August 30, 2022

Recovering together as a couple is hard work and takes many forms. In this episode, Jim is joined by Mike and Margaret who share what their recovery journey looks like and how they are utilizing Integrity Restored’s products and programs in their recovery plan. Takeaways: 1. Recovery is possible, but both parties have to start […]


Episode 128 – Is there trafficking in your hometown? With Fr. Jeff and Fr. Chuck

August 23, 2022

In this episode, Jim is joined by Fr. Jeff Bayhi ( Diocese of Baton Rouge) and Fr. Chuck Swanson ( Diocese of Omaha – Retired) to discuss what they’ve learned since founding Metanoia Manor a home for trafficked youth in Louisiana and how porn plays a role in the grooming and control of human trafficking […]


Episode 127 – Too Tired To Think Straight with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.)

August 16, 2022

Today’s society is overwhelmed with an epidemic of sleep deprivation. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.), founder of Grossmanontruth.com, joins Jim to discuss how technology, social media, porn and gaming contribute to our sleep deficit fueling addiction and poor decision making. Takeaways: 1. We live in a sleep deprived constant state of semi drunkenness because of […]


Episode 126 – Break Up with Porn

August 9, 2022

For young men today, quitting pornography can be like a real life break up. The feelings are that strong! Jim is joined by Will and Sal two twenty somethings who founded an organization to help 18-25 year olds navigate this difficult process. Check out @breakupwithporn on TWITTER Takeaways: 1. Why do I want to stop […]



There are many common myths surrounding the topic of pornography addiction. In this episode, Jim breaks down 8 common myths he hears regularly and why the 3 pillars of Integrity Restored are important.


1. It’s a David vs. Goliath problem in society today

2. We need to stop talking about it like a moral failing and recognize it for the addiction it is

3. It affects everyone young and old, believer or not

Jim is joined by David Fortin to discuss the ways in which pornography usage correlates to an increased risk of suicidal tendencies especially in youth and young adults.


1. Isolation and depression are common symptoms of a porn addiction and strong indicators of suicidal ideation.

2. One in six students think about suicide.

3. According to Dr. Patrick Carnes, 17% of porn addicts attempt suicide, 72% have considered it.

In this episode, Jim discusses the Five Faulty Beliefs of an Addict and the guilt and shame that fuel them. He discusses the value of guilt and the problem with shame and how to resolve both in your healing journey.

A betrayal of trust that deeply impacts the relationship and has lasting effects is one of the problems of continued pornography use. Jim speaks with Sr. Tina Alfieri, LCSW,C-SAT, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Sex Addiction Treatment provider who is a also a diocesan hermit in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Sr. Tina unpacks the reality of Betrayal Trauma in terms of pornography and other betrayals, as well as what healing looks like for those suffering.

Maria Brackett, Divine Mercy University’s Program Director for the Spiritual Direction Certificate joins Jim to discuss what is Spiritual Direction, Why do you need it and how do you find one. Check out divinemercy.edu


1. Spiritual Direction is an important pillar in recovery according to the experts

2. Spiritual Direction along with the grace of the sacraments can be a helpful part of your overall recovery plan.

3. Whether you struggle with an addiction or the betrayal trauma from a loved one’s addiction, spiritual direction helps you find God and healing where ever you are right now.

Our program at DMU to train spiritual directors: https://divinemercy.edu/academics/spiritual-direction-certificate/

Site where our alumni are listed:

Catholic site to find spiritual directors:

In this episode, Jim is joined by Realizeyourcalling.com founder Dan Lorenz to discuss the importance of finding your gifts and calling as part of the recovery process.


1. Self-awareness helps drives success in recovery and life

2. Learning to be authentic helps us help others

3. Every mission/ministry needs help to flourish and you could be exactly what they need

Recovering together as a couple is hard work and takes many forms. In this episode, Jim is joined by Mike and Margaret who share what their recovery journey looks like and how they are utilizing Integrity Restored’s products and programs in their recovery plan.


1. Recovery is possible, but both parties have to start their own healing work

2. The Integrity Circle Coaching Program helped them understand and communicate through the process

3. Healthy boundaries are vital and not punitive

In this episode, Jim is joined by Fr. Jeff Bayhi ( Diocese of Baton Rouge) and Fr. Chuck Swanson ( Diocese of Omaha – Retired) to discuss what they’ve learned since founding Metanoia Manor a home for trafficked youth in Louisiana and how porn plays a role in the grooming and control of human trafficking victims in the sex trade. Check out www.metanoia-inc.org for more information on this incredible mission and to enter a raffle for a trip for two to Italy with the Fathers!


1. Currently the estimates say 48 million people are being trafficked worldwide

2. 89.5% of trafficked individuals end up in the sex trade and a high percentage in porn

3. Most traficking cases are ” local” and don’t involve what we see in the movies, but rather coercion, drugs, money and blackmail right in our own neighborhoods

Today’s society is overwhelmed with an epidemic of sleep deprivation. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.), founder of Grossmanontruth.com, joins Jim to discuss how technology, social media, porn and gaming contribute to our sleep deficit fueling addiction and poor decision making.


1. We live in a sleep deprived constant state of semi drunkenness because of our online excesses and habits

2. Suicide numbers are skyrocketing due to our being constantly impaired and in need of sleep

3. The #1 competitor of online media companies is not other companies but sleep

For young men today, quitting pornography can be like a real life break up. The feelings are that strong! Jim is joined by Will and Sal two twenty somethings who founded an organization to help 18-25 year olds navigate this difficult process. Check out @breakupwithporn on TWITTER


1. Why do I want to stop using porn?

2. Do you admit that your habit drains you from living your best life?

3. Can you even imagine a life without porn?