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Sanctify This Moment


About the Author

Laura Ercolino

Laura Ercolino graduated from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio with a Bachelor’s degree in English. She is currently working as an Expressive Arts Facilitator as well as attending graduate school to obtain a Masters in Counseling. Laura is a contributing writer for Integrity Restored and Bloom For Catholic Women as well as the moderator for the Bloom For Catholic Women forum and host of the weekly Facebook Live Rosary for Integrity Restored. But her greatest accomplishments have been realized in her vocation of motherhood. Laura has nine children and spent twenty-eight years as a stay at home mom. Writing and artistic expression have played an important role in her life from an early age. In recent years, she experienced first-hand the healing power of creativity. In her therapeutic work to heal from betrayal trauma as well as childhood sexual trauma, she has integrated journal writing, poetry, and various artistic mediums. Laura feels called to share her creative talents and the wisdom she has gained from her journey so that other women may also experience hope and healing.

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