Why Confession Isn’t Helping Your Porn Problem – Part 2 | IntegrityRestored.com


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Why Confession Isn’t Helping Your Porn Problem – Part 2


About the Author


Our mission is to restore the integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been affected by pornography and pornography addiction. Integrity Restored provides education, encouragement, and resources to, break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. We also hope to be a resource that assists clergy in assisting families at the parish level, so that the domestic church truly becomes what it is, the human space in which we encounter Christ.

Comments (4)

Young Catholic Male - March 8, 2018 6:03 pm

Gosh, this was such a relatable article. This was EXACTLY my own situation. I was a confession fanatic when I was in the heat of my addiction to (lust, pornography, masturbation, etc.). Unfortunately for me, I was the type of addict that couldn’t just “pray it away”. For me, doing good spiritual things was honestly just a way to avoid my problem with porn and make myself feel better about the person that I was, without ever trying to work on myself. And it may be scary for many, but having been in recovery for the past 2 years, I cannot stress enough that the big three actually work. For me personally, finding a group and making phone calls helped me in more ways than I can count and were the key to me maintaining purity. By no means have I “got it down”, but I have found a new dimension to my relationship with God in working my own recovery and it seems as though my spiritual practices are a little more pointed toward God and a little less pointed to avoiding my problems. And for me, this has made volumes of difference.
Its kind of cool though to actually see someone put almost my own exact experiences into such a concise article. Kudos Integrity Restored, please keep up the good work.

Andrew Vallot - March 20, 2018 7:31 pm

I just wanted to leave a quick short comment. Getting straight to the point I am a young man and have been dealing with an addiction to pornography and masturbation for several years now. I haven’t even finished reading the article yet. I am absolutely astounded at how spot on this article is. This perfectly describes the ritual and thoughts in my head every time!!! It is so spot on it really freaked me out to be honest. Thank you for your ministry. I will continue to educate myself. Please Pray for me.

Ivan - March 27, 2018 5:27 pm

Thank you, this was very helpful and went straight to my heart.

Barry - June 5, 2023 8:37 am

This is me


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